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"Everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shifty people, that bad things happen here because we're bad, that we deserve what we have coming. That's how it was for Sarah, and that's how it's been for us. But it's all bullshit. Ok, just because we're weird and smart and different doesn't mean they can feed us through their meat grinder. Not anymore. It's been centuries, no one else has gotten this far. It stops here...tonight. It stops with us. We're gonna kill this motherfucker." Deena said, everyone agreeing.

Caroline stood around in guilt. Knowing that it was her family's fault. So, she had a plan for when Nick was dead. She would get rid of them, somehow. She didn't figure it out, but she'd do it, one way or another.

"For Sarah, for Kate and Simon. For Cindy, for Maddy. For all of us. For Shadyside." Deena said, Caroline nodded her head. Lowering it down, staring at the floor tiles. Her hair went in front of her face, she took a breath. "Let's do this."

Deena had sliced her hand, like Sam did before. She let herself bleed into the bucket filled a substance they would put in their squirt gun.

So beyond that, everyone decorated the mall, doing stuff to get Nick's attention. Spray painting neon spray paint, putting neon paint in Deena's blood. The mall had a blue light. Upon decorating, the spread her blood everywhere, so the killers could follow the blood into the shops.

When the blue lights are on, the mall had a neon effect.

Deena had set up a bell for Nick when he was coming, it would ring, getting their attention.

So when it finally ring, everyone hid. They had squirt guns of neon blood, and Caroline held her father's gun as well. In the event it didn't work, and the killers didn't kill him, she'd do it.

She did have the best aim, after all.

She thought about where she would go when it was over. She didn't have a mother, and she wouldn't have a father. So, she had her Uncle, who she realized also probably knew about this. So, she had no one.

"What's on your mind?"

Ziggy interrupted her thoughts, and she looked up at the girl. "Oh, nothing."

"You look like how your dad looks when he's thinking..."

She sighed, looking down. "I'm just wondering where I'm supposed to go after this. I mean, my uncle is no better than my dad since he probably knows about this whole thing..." She trailed off, she hummed, not knowing what to say.

"You can stay with me, if you'd like."

She looked up at the redhead, confused. "Really?"

She nodded her head. "It might take a while, but, we'd figure it out..." She said, Caroline gave a light smile, and looked down.

"Hey, step-mom and sheriff's kid, get over here!"

When the bell had rung, she grew tense. She sat in between Martin and Ziggy, after they flicked the lights on. They hid behind the tree their guns ready.

"Hey, sunshine, you steal that gun?" He asked her, she nodded as she looked around for the source of why the bell was rung. "Wouldn't expect that from the Sheriff's kid." He sighed, Caroline looked at him.

"I stole it from the sheriff." She said, her eyes looking at him. He smirked, patting her back.

"Alright, girl. All rebellious." He commented.


Martin put his hands up, dropping the gun, as did Caroline.

"Listen! You don't have any idea what's going on!" Ziggy said as Martin tried to get her to shut up, knowing the officer.

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