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Caroline sat in the police car. She didn't dare walk back into Ziggy's house, knowing this. She felt like she couldn't, like she didn't deserve to.

Minutes later, they all walked out. Sam was passed out in Deena's arms, and Josh and Ziggy followed Deena. They opened the trunk, placing her in it, then closing it again.

Ziggy walked over to the car, getting in the passenger side. She saw Caroline's expression. She sighed, not knowing the thousands of thoughts that could've been going through her head.

"Caroline, 99 Fier street, we gotta pick someone up." Josh said, Caroline nodded her head, clearing her voice. She started up the car, then driving down the road, going quick. No one could stop them in a cop car.

As she drove, going quick, she though about everything.

Maybe that was the voices. Maybe it was why she had seared in pain when touching Sarah's bones. It was all coming together, and she was understanding it again.

She had Goode blood, Solomon killed Sarah. Solomon started the curse. Therefore, they had bad blood, literally.

She thought about the voices when she needed there. It was Sarah, it had to of been. Sarah could've mistaken her for Solomon, smelling her blood, sensing it.

As Caroline pulled up to the address, Ziggy questioned their decision. "Wait, are we sure about this?" Ziggy asked, Caroline looked over.

"I mean, what's our plan?" She asked, taking a left onto Fier street. Deena cleared her voice in the backseat.

"We're uh...we're killing him." Deena said, Caroline jolted the car to a stop. She looked back at Deena, her eyes showing pure shock.


"It's the only way, if you can't do it, then don't come." Deena said, Caroline felt her breath get caught in her throat.

She thought again.

Her father murdered dozens, it was his fault about the camp, it was his fault about Ryan Torres. Innocent lives were taken because of him.

Now it was his time to go.

"Fuck it." She said, starting to drive again. She sped up in front of the guy's house, turning the siren on.

He walked out, his arms out. He was about to defend himself. He was sitting on his porch, a blunt in his hand.

"You gotta be kidding me. Yo, man, I wasn't doing nothing. Minding my business." He said, getting on his knees, putting his hands behind his head. Caroline put the passenger window down, letting Josh put his head through, leaning over Ziggy.

"Hey!" Josh exclaimed, the guy looked at him, recognizing who it was.

"Urkel?" He asked, Caroline furrowed her eyebrows. Who in hell was Urkel?

"Yeah! Uh...wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?"

"Let me grab my coat."

The man's name was Martin. So when he got in the car, he saw the Sheriff's daughter behind the wheel.

"Hey! That's mini sheriff, was this a test, man?" He asked as the car started to drive. Josh shook his head no.

"No, no, she's with us."

"You wanna kill your own daddy?" He asked, his voice high pitched.

"Long story." Caroline said as she sped up, she started to speed to the mall, as fast as she could.

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