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Caroline had a mop in her hand as she mopped the floor with Sam's blood. She knew it was weird. The whole situation was. She took a deep breath as she mopped.
"Don't die, don't die, don't die." Carolin muttered.




Caroline turned her head to see someone behind her. He had a mask on and an axe. He breathed heavily as he went down the hallway.

"That's my cue to leave." She said dropping the mop. She sprinted down the hallway with a fear stricken face on.

"She was...She was so sexy, but fucking crazy still! She was doing it! Following the blood trails!" Caroline heard Simon yelling as she slowed down.

"Nightwing to." Caroline said as she went to lean on one of the walls. She was next to Deena.

"They're right. Skull Mask freak 3:00." Kat said. Everybody turned their heads to see the Skull Mask killer himself with the bloody knife in his hand.

"You always hurt, the ones you love. The one you shouldn't hurt."

"Ruby." Caroline muttered as she reached into her pocket. She grabbed out her gun and Deena looked down at her so she wouldn't make any eye contact with the killers.

"They're all here." Deena said as they all walked down the hallway.

"You still have the gun?" Deena asked her through a whisper. She nodded her head looking down at it.

"Yeah I still have the fucking gun!" She whispered as Nightwing walked past them. Deena grabbed at Caroline's hand which was holding the gun.

"You're really taking this sheriff stuff seriously." Deena joked with a smirk. Caroline leaned her head on the wall as she took a deep breath.

"Damn right." She said as her hand shook. Deena squeezed her hand, and Caroline watched as Skull Mask walked into the bathroom. After him was Ruby, and finally Nightwing came running in.

Simon shut the door, and then tied it to another door.

Inside the bathroom was Sam, a dummy of Sam, and a shit ton of gasoline. They were going to burn the killers, just like the witch should've been burned.

Caroline put the gun in her pocket, and grabbed the lighter. She bent down and waited for Sam to come out. A couple seconds later, Sam came crawling out of a vent. She looked at them and said "Go! Go! Go!" She yelled. Caroline lit the lighter and put it on the gasoline. The fire traveled into the bathroom, and soon there was an explosion.

They walked into the bathroom and extinguished the fire. "Come back from that, motherfuckers!" Simon exclaimed as everyone looked around. There was black goop on the walls making Caroline disgusted. The room was still smokey, so it was a bit tough to see anything.

"Guys?" Josh asked. Everyone noticed the goop on the floor, but it was growing. Caroline grabbed the gun, and pointed it at the thing.

"How did it not die?" She asked looking at Josh who was staring at it. A hand was formed and it went to grab Josh. Deena grabbed Josh and dragged him away.

Everyone sprinted down the hallway and into a classroom. Simon and Caroline shut and locked the door. Sam tried to push the desk over to the door.

"Come on they're coming!" Deena yelled trying to push the desk with Sam.

"They're gone keep coming!" Sam yelled back at her. Her voice sounded angry, Kate didn't want to be in the middle of this.

"We're fucked!" Simon yelled stressed out.

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