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"Yes, my dear?"

The Goode's lived a quiet and tranquil life. Solomon had been trying to build his own village, his own area for him and his family, and anyone else. His wife had recently passed, as he had said, it was due to natural causes.

"Sarah's here to see us!" She had yelled to him, she turned back to Sarah, hearing her father.

"I'll be there!"

"A full moon rises before nightfall." Sarah said, hoping she was in town last night. Tonight was a full moon, and everyone would be having lots of fun in the woods!

"A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land." Adeline said as she saw something in Sarah's arm, moving around a lot.

"Does your father know?" Sarah asked as he walked out of the front door of their home. Adeline shrugged her shoulders, a small smile on her face.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt us." She winked before walking off. Solomon caught her first before she could go inside.

"Finish the dishes for me, dear." He said, Adeline nodded her head.

"Yes, father." She said, walking past him. She walked inside, her long dress dragging behind her.

She walked to the sink beginning to clean the dishes.

Many years ago, her mother had passed away. Marjorie Goode. Her father said she died of natural causes, but Adeline saw how her father was around her mother.

Solomon was a good man to the public eye. He was respectful, many thought he was crazy for the land he was trying to create, but, a good man.

At home, not so much. He beat his wife, very much. If the dishes weren't done, it was a beating. If dinner wasn't ready when he wanted it, it was a beating. That was why Adeline was so quick and ready to do things. She always did what her father asked if her, she didn't want to be punished.

That was a reason her Aunt Maria had gone out of contact. Maria was Solomon's sister, she was younger by a few years. Maria had saw the treatment, and she had decided to not have contact with her elder brother. There was one more Goode brother, Elijah. He was in contact with his brother, though he thought he was insane for the land he was trying to start.

When Sarah and Solomon walked inside, m Adeline was finishing up. She heard a squealing, and she turned her head, seeing her father holding up a pig.

"This is madness, Sarah." He said, holding it to his chest, as if it was a baby. "It's too much. I can't accept it." He said, holding it. Of course he wanted it, he just couldn't accept it.

"Just think of it as my dowry. We're practically married. Haven't you heard?" Sarah said, disgusting Adeline. One of her best friends marrying her father was disgusting.

"Well, in that case, tell your father this isn't nearly worth it. But thank you, truly." Solomon said, walking to a room with the pig, placing it down.

"Of course. Shadows fall on us all now and then." Sarah said, Solomon walking back into the kitchen. Adeline finished the dishes, then drying up her hands.

"My brother wants me to give up. Move back to the settlement with Adeline." Solomon said, Adeline rolled her eyes at her uncle's thoughts. "He says the Goode family are not farmers. But these lands, they are fertile. I know it. We'll have a healthy crop yet. The sun will shine on us." Solon said, slinging his arm around his daughter. She placed her head on his shoulder, his hand lightly patted her braided hair.

"You ought to rest some. You look like death." Sarah said to Solomon, in all honesty. Adeline chuckled at Sarah's brutal honesty.

"Sarah Fier, flattering as ever." Solomon said, making Sarah chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to lose light. I should go." Sarah says, Adeline looked at Sarah, who looked at Adeline. They exchanged looks, knowing what was happening tonight.

"The full moon rises before nightfall." Solomon said, Adeline looked up at him. How had he known? He rubbed circles on her back as she stood there looking up at him. "Nothing good comes from those woods after sundown." Solomon said, Adeline had now known he'd be watching her like a hawk tonight. Now she had to wait until he was fast asleep.

"You sound like my father." Sarah said to him.

"So, you're going?" Nick asked Sarah, referring to the night in the woods.

"Going where?" Sarah asked, pretending to be clueless. Sarah waved at Adeline before walking away. Solomon turned his daughter to him, looking her dead in the eye.

"You won't be going, my dear." He said to her, putting a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Adeline nodded her head, lying to him.

"I know, father. I won't be going." She said, he nodded his head at her, approving.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" He asked, she shook her head no, to his face. "You know how I feel about lyin, Adeline." He said, she nodded her head.

"No, father." She said, taking a deep breath. He smiled, his hand going on her cheek. He gave her a light pinch, and she gave him a smile. He loved seeing his daughter smile, very much.

"I will be making the dinner tonight." He told her, Adeline smiled nodding her head. His hand still rested in her cheek as she stood there, she nodded. She waited for her to be dismissed from him.

"Very nice." She said, glad she didn't have to make dinner for once.

"Tell me your my little girl." He said, his thumb stroking her cheek bone. Adeline swallowed down the lump in her throat. She nodded her head, standing there. She would always repeat the words back.

Nick was scared of his daughter leaving. He knew one day she must be wed, but it wasn't now. She was still his daughter, not a wife yet.

"I'm your little girl." She said, Solomon smiled. He brought her head in, kissing the crown of her head.

"On you go. Dinner will be ready within the hour." He said, removing his hand from her face. She nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Yes, father." She said, then walking away from him. Adeline walked to her room, sighing. How was she supposed to get out of the home now? He would be watching her every move, making sure she was staying home. Making sure she was his little girl...

She had a plan.
She always did.

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