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When Caroline woke up, Nick was by her side He looked exhausted as he had a drink of his coffee. Her blue eyes scanned the room as she tried to remember what had happened the previous night.

The crash.

She looked at her father who had finally noticed she was awake. "Hey, princess." Nick said straightening his posture. He kissed her on the cheek as she looked around.

"My head hurts." Caroline complained with a low and tired voice. Nick nodded his head, knowing it probably would. She ended up having a grade 2 concussion and she had 14 stitches in her forehead.

"Well it should, You have a grade 2 concussion and 14 stitches in your face." Nick said as he stroked his fingers through her hair. Caroline stared at the wall remembering what happened.

"Is Sam ok?" She asked worrying for her best friend. Nick nodded his head as he looked at the girl with a sympathetic expression.

"She's worried about you." Nick told Caroline as she looked around. "I'm going to get the doctor, just to check you out, then I need a witness report from you, okay?" Nick said standing up. He put a hand on his daughters cheek and she nodded.

"Okay." She answered as Nick to walk out of the room. Caroline laid on side and proved her head on her arm. She stared at the chair Nick was sitting in and looked down.

She thought about the events that happened. She thought about Sam puking blood, and how she was getting whispers. She thought about the image she saw in the rear view mirror. She was scared.

The teenager looked around the dimly lit room with tired eyes. Her eyes had dark circles underneath them as she looked. She looked at her hands, which had a few cuts from falling onto sticks and leaves the night prior.

Minutes later, the doctor walked in with Nick behind him. "Hello, Caroline. I'm Dr. Louis, mind if I check out your eyes real quick?" Dr. Louis asked as he grabbed his small flashlight out. He turned it on and shined it in Caroline's eyes.

"Don't mind at all." Caroline muttered as she squinted at the light.

"Yeah, 100% a concussion." The doctor said putting his flashlight away. Caroline looked up at him as he looked to be contemplating. "I think I want to keep her one more night for observation." The doctor said making Caroline look at Nick with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Thank you, doctor.." Nick trailed off as Dr. Louis walked away quickly. He sighed and looked at his daughter. Nick nodded his head and looked at Caroline.

"You ready?" Nick asked, and Caroline nodded her head. "What happened?" Nick asked. Caroline didn't want to get the Shadysiders into trouble, and she didn't want to get in trouble for being involved with Sunnyvalers who chased after the bus.

"Uh, we were behind the Shadyside bus, and then the car crashed." Caroline lied to him. Nick nodded his head as he stared at her.

"Anyone open the doors?" He asked her. Caroline shook her head, denying what he was saying.

"Nope." Caroline lied again. He slowly nodded and looked her in the eye.

"No cooler was thrown?" He asked her, getting her head shaken in return once again.

"No. The car just crashed, it lost control." Caroline said, she was a good lier.

When you had a father who was constantly interrogating your ever move, you had to know how to lie. Caroline didn't lie often, only when she had to.

Nick stared at his daughter and nodded his head. "Are you lying to me?" Nick asked her. Caroline shook her head, lying once again.

"I'm not lying." Caroline said looking at him. Nick nodded his head.

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