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Maddy was walking down the sidewalk at camp. She put a smile back onto her face as she walked by.

She saw one of the younger campers run up to her. Her name was Haley. "Hi, Ms. Maddy!" She exclaimed. Maddy looked down at her. She noticed the Sunnyvale color war shirt on and pointed at it. Haley was a Sunnyvale kid who was always nice to everyone, Shadyside or not.

"Excited for color war, kiddo?" Maddy asked and the little girl nodded her head.

"Yep!" Haley exclaimed excitedly.

"Alright, Haley. I've got some boring counselor stuff to do, so go back to Joanne, she's doing some art thing." Maddy said patting her on the back. Haley went running away and Maddy stuck her hands in her pockets.

Maddy remembered that Kurt wanted her to clean the mess hall earlier, and she rolled her eyes. "Shit!" Maddy exclaimed as she put a hand to her head. She looked down at her shoes. They were her Nike Blazers which were all fucked up and messy.

She walked to the mess hall as she put her hair into a ponytail. When she did walk in, she saw Cindy and Tommy Slater. Just her luck.

"Hey, sorry, I just got back from this whole thing, I can get the rest." Maddy said as she saw Cindy bending down and putting the bucket on the floor. Maddy stared at her ass as she did so, thankfully neither of them noticed.

"Oh yeah, here I've got a sponge here." Cindy said, tossing Maddy a dry sponge. Maddy caught it and crouched down next to the bucket.

"Thanks." Maddy said plunging the sponge into the bucket. Cindy smiled and looked at Maddy.

"So what happened, I forgot to even ask Ziggy. I was just so frustrated. Because before Alice, and you know Alice got all pissed off. I mean it's like we're still 12 year old and her whole goal in life is punish me for something that wasn't even my fault." Cindy started to rant. Maddy didn't know exactly what to say, so she began to scrub.

"I can't believe you guys used to be friends." Tommy said, scrubbing off the table.

"And Ziggy, it's only a matter of time before she ends up in jail or worse. And I'm just trying to be a good role model and make something of myself. But no, no, I'm the stuck up priss who hates fun, which isn't even true at all. I like fun. I like fun! I just...I just want to get out of Shadyside. Is that so crazy?" Cindy asked through a yell. She was scrubbing the floor so aggressively that the sponge split in half. Maddy looked over and then at Tommy.

"Shit!" Cindy yelled, slamming the sponges onto the floor. Maddy realized that it was the first time she ever heard the perfect Cindy Berman curse. "Shit!" Cindy yelled again in frustration. Maddy smirked as she scratched the nape of her neck.

"Did Cindy Berman just curse?" Tommy asked with a grin in his face.

"I didn't think you had it in you to say such improper words." Maddy joked with her. Tommy ended up laughing as she joked.

"Not now, you two. I'm not in the mood!" Cindy exclaimed. She stood up and sighed as she stomped to the janitors closet. Maddy kept scrubbing as Cindy went to get another sponge.

After a few minutes, Cindy walked back out of the closet, looking afraid.

"Tommy, Maddy, what are you two doing? You're really..." Cindy said walking back inside the mess hall. She had walked right past the pair. "freaking me out." She finished. Maddy looked back at Tommy confused.

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