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"Alice! Alice!" Cindy yelled as the four walked into the woods. Maddy had her flashlight on as she shined it as she went through the trees. "Come on, its disgusting in here!" Cindy complained.

"We're close, Berman, hang in there!" Alice yelled back. Maddy groaned as she stared up at the sky.

"Alice!" Cindy yelled as they went through several trees. "I swear to God..." Cindy said as she walked, her sleeve caught onto a branch, and it ripped. "Shit! Oh, it's ruined now!" Cindy yelled frustrated.

"You cursed again." Tommy said with a small smile. Maddy smirked as she looked at the boy.

"You want me to murder you?" Cindy threatened. Maddy widened her eyes, knowing that Tommy was still shaken up from what Nurse Lane said.

"Bad choice of words." Maddy said before walking off. Cindy knew what she said, and immediately apologized.

Maddy heard a scream and furrowed her eyebrows. She went sprinting to find where it came from. She sprinted, but then sprinted into a hole?

She landed on top of somebody, and that somebody was Alice. "Jeez, Sunshine, thought you had it out for Berman." Alice joked as Maddy got off of Alice. She rolled her eyes as she brushed the dirt off of her legs.

"Asshole." Maddy said looking up. She climbed up as she brushed herself off. She saw Cindy shining a flashlight over at them as they got out.

"Watch your step." Alice said as she got out of the hole.

"Is someone digging a grave?" Tommy asked as he went over to investigate the hole.

"Graves." Alice said shining her flashlight around to look at the multiple graves.

"Mary. Hey, where's the, uh..." Tommy said looking around for the book. He knelt down and grabbed it. "The x's, look. Look." Tommy said flipping the pages to see the X's. Maddy looked at them and then at the graves. "Look, here, here, she was marking where she dug." Tommy said, Alice flipped the page to see the reading.

"But without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm and the curse will last until body and hand unite." Alice read off before looking up at Tommy.

"Maybe Mary was looking for the hand?" Tommy asked curiously before flipping another page.

"To end the curse?" Tommy asked.

"To end the curse that made her daughter lose her mind." Alice said, Maddy rolled her eyes when the curse was brought up. Alice scoffed, feeling the same way as Maddy.

"Guys come on. This is silly." Alice said making Maddy nod her head.

"We tell this to the kids we babysit, I mean this shit isn't actually real." Maddy said looking at Nurse Lane's graves. The woman had gone mad!

"Yep. I gotta piss." Arnie said, Maddy rolled her eyes. That was some real important information.

"Hey, let me see that." Alice said, referring  to the diary. Instead of Alice getting the diary from Tommy, Cindy took it.

"You can have it, but first give me the drugs." Cindy commanded.

"No, they're mine." Alice said keeping them in her pocket.

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