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Chloe rang the bell, out of breath from the sprinting she'd done to get there. Her hands were slippery with blood on them as she was there. Blood stained the rope of the bell, as she stood there. Everyone was beyond stressed.

Chloe heard screaming, crying as kids entered the mess hall. She ran down the steps, seeing a bunch of kids next to each other, sobbing. It was the little kids, they were scared beyond anything. The older kids were there now as well, sitting at tables. They were bored, and worried.

"Everything is going to be ok, guys. Just, take a seat at a table, stay together, and don't leave!" Chloe said, stressed. She put her hair behind her ears as she stood there.

"Does anyone know if anyone is outside currently!" She yelled, getting people's attention.

"Danny, Cora, Freddie, Claire-" A girl listed off. Chloe nodded her head, sighing.

"Everyone stay here, ok?" She asked them all before she stormed outside. Everyone had said yes, not wanting to die. She wiped her bloodied hands on her legs, leaving bloody hand marks on her thighs.

Chloe went to the woods, seeing a flashlight. She saw someone, she walked over.

It was Nick.

"Chlo?" He asked, she walked over and he looked at her. He saw her legs, seeing the blood, and he gasped. "What happened?" He asked, his hands going on her waist. She put her hair behind her ears as his hand went on her cheek, trying to look at her. Trying to convince her that he still loved her, and it wasn't an act for his parents.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, no, I fell onto um, they were dead, stabbed, and I fell on one...a kid." She shivered, the two heard twigs snapping, and they tried to get to the source of it. But there was no one.

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, no idea." He said, his hands rubbing on her upper arms. "I'm just so happy you're ok." He lied to her face, she scoffed shaking her head.

"If we weren't in a life or death situation, I would've slapped you because I saw you kissing Ziggy Berman in the reptile room." Chloe said, removing his hands off of her. Nick's heart dropped. His hand went back up to her face, and she hit it away.

"Chloe..." Nick trailed off, Chloe shook her head.

"Can we please just make it out of here alive first?" She asked him, Nick looked down. He nodded his head.

"Counselor Goode?"

Nick turned, his flashlight facing a tree. He saw two kids, hiding.

"Claire, Freddie, get back to the mess hall!" He yelled, the two started running away.

"Everyone, the game is over! Get back to the mess hall!"

The two went walking off, searching for something, or someone. They heard screaming, and shouting.

They went sprinting towards the source. It was coming from the art and crafts cabin. They went sprinting inside, Nick opening the doors. But when he did, he found something not so pleasing on his hand.

"Oh god." He said, looking down at his bloody fingers. Chloe looked around, seeing kids. Children.

She saw a head resting in a table. She covered her mouth, as she stepped back.

She saw hands, legs, arms, fingers, any body part. It disgusted her beyond repair. Nick rushed the two of them out, and he ended up throwing up in a corner. Chloe's bloody hands went through her hair as she paced.

"Nick..." She trailed off, tears in her eyes.

"I know, babe." He said, letting his nickname for her slip. She shuttered, seeing all of the kids in there.

"Nick! I came out of the bathroom, she was just dead, man. I swear to God!" Kurt yelled, grabbing Nick's shoulders. Chloe jumped, not knowing it was him. After a second, she realized it was her brother, and she let out a sigh of relief.

But then, Kurt saw them. He saw the blood on both of them. "Jesus, you two. Did you do this?"

"Kurt! No!" Chloe said, Nick's hand went on Kurt's shoulder, squeezing it tightly.

"Listen, man, there's a fucking killer . We have to get the others out of here. Get back to the Mess Hall. In 15 minutes, ring the bell. You ring the bell, that's the signal. Gonna get them on the bus, get them out of here. Alright? You here me?" Nick asked, almost manically.

"I gotta take Chloe, I gotta take my sister." Kurt breathed out, Nick grew angry.

"She stays with me. Okay? Just go, Kurt!" Nick yelled, slapping his shoulder. Nick looked down at his bloody hands, the wiping them on his shirt. Smearing it down.

Chloe took a deep breath as Nick stood there, he didn't know what to say, or what to do.

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