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"Alright, it branches off again here. Just stay left." Cindy said as Maddy shined her flashlight, looking around the cave as they followed the map.

"I cannot believe this is working." Alice commented with a smile. Maddy nodded her head.

"I can't believe this is happening." Maddy said as Cindy stopped her walk to look at the two girls.

"It's taking too long. He could be back at camp already." Cindy said, making Alice turn around.

"If you have to kill him...could you?" Alice suddenly asked her. Cindy was shocked my the question, and stayed silent for a couple of moments.

"Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just...I froze. I couldn't do anything. So, no. I...I couldn't kill anyone." Cindy said shakily. Maddy looked at the ground with a sigh.

"Well, good news. I would happily kill him." Alice said before looking at Maddy who was still staring at the ground.

"God, even now, after everything, you're...you're still a jerk." Cindy said before continuing walking.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just...I never got what you saw in him. And that was before the witch possessed him." Alice said, making Cindy turn around. Cindy had sighed as the flashlight went in Maddy's eyes.

"Tommy was sweet." Cindy finished before looking at Maddy.

"Did you love him?" Alice asked her. Cindy froze as Maddy hoped she didn't say yes. Maddy wanted to be the person Cindy loved.

"I..." Cindy sighed before shaking her head no. "No, I didn't."

"Well, I loved Arnie. I loved that gross, high little shit." Alice said before taking a deep breath. She looked at Maddy before letting out a sigh. "How about you, Sunshine. Anyone special?" Cindy asked her. Maddy shrugged, knowing the girl she loved was right next to her.

"There's a person." Maddy said as Cindy looked down. Cindy hoped she was that person. A rumbling was heard and then water falling. "The fuck was that?" Maddy muttered as she looked around.

"There's this space here up ahead. All roads lead here." Cindy read off as she looked at the book.

"Is there any other way around?" Alice asked as the rumbling continued. Cindy didn't answer, she only had them follow her.

As they followed Cindy around the dark cave, they entered into a place. They heard flies buzzing and a big goopy type thing in the middle. There was no other way to explain it.

"What is that?" Alice asked as they looked at what she pointed her flashlight at. It was beating as flies buzzed around it.

"Let's get out of here." Cindy said shakily Alice walked towards it, and laid her hand on it. Maddy grabbed Cindy's hand, hoping it was nothing bad.

"Alice?" Cindy asked. Alice stepped away from them with a scream. Maddy furrowed her eyebrows as she ran away from them.

"What's going on?" Maddy asked as she walked quickly after Alice. Her walk went into a jog.

"Alice what happened?"


Back at camp, Chloe had gotten up. She looked at what she'd fallen on, or who she had fallen on. It was a kid. "Oh my god!" Chloe yelled as she went to cover her mouth, but realizing there was blood on it.

She wiped her hand on her leg before running to Sunnyvale's jail for Capture the flag. She tried to cool herself off, knowing that whatever killed that kid was dangerous. "Hey, guys-" Chloe said before stepping back, everyone was dead. She stumbled as she covered her mouth.

She went off sprinting out of the woods with a sick feeling in her stomach. She wanted to throw up by the things she had seen. She slowed down as she began to throw up. The nausea never left her stomach though.

She started to run again and she was near the reptile room. When she got there she saw Nick and Ziggy. They were talking, and Nick was staring at Ziggy like that again. Like how he loved her more than Chloe. She watched as he was leading on, and talking to her.

"Please don't." Chloe begged, knowing they wouldn't hear her. The two shared a kiss and Chloe leaned her head back. She let out a shaky breath as the boy she had once loved kissed another girl. She walked away with tears streaming down her face.

A bone chilling scream was heard from Shadyside's prison, and once again, Chloe went running. When she got there, everyone was piled up.

She pushed back the kids to Jeremy, a little boy who had never done anything wrong dead on the floor. His glasses laid in his pool of blood and Chloe looked at everyone.

"Okay, everyone. Let's go to the mess hall, yeah?" Chloe asked as all the children started to sob. "Alright, that's not a question. Mess hall, right now!" Chloe exclaimed as Nick and Ziggy pushed past everyone.

"Chloe where's Maddy?" Asked a girl named Haley. Chloe let out a shaky breath.

"I'll tell you once we get to the Mess Hall, but I need you to tell everyone here that, ok? Tell your friends." Chloe said before looking around for another counselor. Gary.

"Gary, stay here. Get them to the Mess Hall, I'm gonna ring the bell." Chloe said before running off. She ran to the Mess Hall, and climbed up some of the steps to where the bell was. She grabbed the rope and started to ring it.

This is not how she expected summer camp to be.

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