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"This is great." Maddy said as she paced and cracked her knuckles. "We're in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, and we're going to die from starvation and dehydration." Maddy said as she crouched down.

"Hey, you find a new way to starve yourself each week, mind telling how?"Alice asked making Maddy sigh. That was a bit uncalled for, but Maddy has said a lot of shit, it was payback.

"Alice, don't be like that." Cindy scolded as she looked down at her messy polo. Maddy hopped up from her crouch and started to pace again.

"How come she could wish for me and Arnie to drop dead, but I can't talk about her eating disorder?" Alice asked as Maddy scoffed. She sat down on the cave floor and rolled her eyes. "I mean, her wish came through, Arnie's dead, and soon I will." Alice said looking at the female.

"Alright, I didn't mean that. It just..." Maddy trailed off, knowing what she said was uncalled for. "It slipped out, alright?" Maddy asked as she brought her knees to her chest.

"This's some kind of cavern. I don't know. It seems to just...go on forever." Cindy said breathing heavily. Maddy scratched her cheek, just to get red eyeblack on her fingers.

"I don't care." Alice said, making Cindy let out a sigh.

"Alice, can you please us?" Cindy asked as Maddy was removing rocks from the wall as she stayed in a sitting position. She was actually just playing with the rocks, but it made her look like she was doing something.

"What, you're just gonna pretend that everything's ok?" Alice asked as Cindy removed another rock from the big ass pile. Maddy tossed a rock as Cindy sat down next to Maddy. "Tommy split Arnie's head in half. Do you realize that?" Alice asked with a shaky voice.

"Please, can you just help me?" Cindy asked through a pound.

"With what? This shit weighs, like, a million pounds. I thought you got an A in physics." Alice said agitated. Maddy looked at her shoes that were now very dirty.

"We have to get out!" Cindy yelled.

"Well tough shit. Because we can't. We're gonna die down here. Just like Arnie." Alice said as she got up in Cindy's face. Maddy pushed her off and Alice stumbled back."Sheriff Goode comes to the rescue." Alice joked as Maddy stared her down.

"Fuck you, Alice." Maddy said as Alice scoffed. "Shadyside trash." Maddy muttered before stepping away from her.

"Maddy." Cindy said making Maddy step back. Cindy stood up and looked around.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true." Maddy said and Cindy went to say something, but Alice stopped her.

"Neither did I." Alice said to Maddy. "And we're never going to get out, Cindy! So get the idea of the polo shirts, and the rich life of getting out of Shadyside out of your head." Alice said and Cindy shook her head.

"No. No we have to get out! We have to! Those names on the wall, they didn't stop with one murderer." Cindy yelled as Alice walked away from her. "Seven, nine, ten, fifteen people! Those were serial killers. The campers... sister, Maddy's brothers, they're up there. And now, so is he." Cindy said with a small cry. Maddy was behind her with her hands in her pockets.

"I thought you didn't believe in the witch." Alice said walking toward the to girls.

"Yeah, I don't! I...The...There must be some...some explanation." Cindy said looking over to Maddy. Alice scoffed as she stared daggers at the back of Cindy's head.

"Oh my god, you are fucking unbelievable, Cindy, ok? He was possessed!" Alice yelled at the female. Maddy knew Alice was correct. She now knew there was a curse.

"Maybe...maybe he took a pill or-"

"No! No! Cindy no! It wasn't the fucking Tylenol, alright? It was the witch. Alright, you saw those names. And that...that ritual, the witch is real. And she's doing some...some fucking spell shit and possessing people? Ok? Every name on that rock. And Mary knew it, alright?" Alice asked as she bent down to grab the journal. "She knew it and it's all right here." Alice said showing the journal.

"This isn't real!" Cindy yelled as she hit it out of her hands.

"You want an explanation? Well here it is, ok? She looked for the hand bone to fucking stop the curse, she looked for the hand bone to fucking stop the curse, to save Shadyside, but she couldn't find it. Wanna know what she did find? Your boyfriend's name on that fucking wall." Alice said quickly to a indy, making her uncomfortable. Maddy looked at her and shook her said.

"Alice shut up."

"No." Cindy cried as Alice spat hurtful words at her.

"So she tried to kill him." Alice said getting in her face.


"Which I also would've done, if I knew there was a chance that Tommy fucking Slater would ax my boyfriend in the fucking head!" Alice screamed in her face.

"I said shut up!" Cindy yelled pushing her, Maddy raised her eyebrows as Cindy pushed her. She never saw Cindy like that.

"There we go. That's the Cindy Berman I knew." Alice said, before Cindy grabbed Maddy's hand. She dragged her away as she stormed off.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To find another way out. Don't follow us." Cindy said before storming away.

"Ok, well don't come back here, alright?"Alice yelled as Cindy walked off, still hand in hand with Maddy.

"Sorry, I blew up like that." Cindy apologized as Maddy turned on her flashlight.

"No, no it's cool." Maddy said as Cindy looked down. "You handled it better than I could've." Maddy said as Cindy looked around for an exit.


Cindy jumped and Maddy turned to see Alice behind them.

"Jesus, what the hell? I told you not to follow me." Cindy said scared, she pushed Alice's shoulder and she stumbled.

"Yeah, I didn't. You two went in a circle. Fucking circle." Alice said as she began to laugh. Cindy let go of Maddy's hand as she looked down, she noticed something,

Maddy put a hand through her hair knowing they'd be stuck down there. She crouched down as she placed her hands on her knees.

Cindy had walked toward the diary and picked it up. She brought her flashlight to it, and started to read it. "One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four." She whispered, making Maddy walk over to her. She looked at the book to see what she was counting.

"What?" Maddy asked as she stared at the book. Cindy only kept counting. "What are you reading?" Maddy asked, making Cindy look up at her.

"This symbol, it branches off here. Four times. Three there, one there. Just like this cave. It's the same. "Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone, scarring the soul beneath with the witch's mark." Cindy said shining her flashlight in each direction as she counted off the directions. She looked up at Maddy, and Alice who had made her way over. "Scarring the soil." Cindy recited, making Maddy take a look at the book.

"So, what, like the witch made this fucking place?" Alice asked, Maddy nodded her ahead.

"Looks like it." Maddy said nodding her head.

"Or the settlers claimed she did. It doesn't matter. All that matters is this symbol. It's a-"

"It's a map."

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