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I can run, but I can't hide
From my family line

might share a face and share a last name but


"'re telling me I've got a dead aunt?"

Caroline was in literal shock. Her mouth was agape as she looked around.

"Holy shit, you could've been my mother!" She said, her head in her hands. She took a deep breath as she looked around.

An alarm clock began to go off, and Christine, or in this case, Ziggy turned it off. Everyone stood up, except for Caroline, who was still in shock.

"Like I said, your best chance is to run from this place. Go as far as you can, and hope a bus doesn't hit you on the way out." Ziggy said miserably, Caroline looked up, nodding her head. "You should go back to Sunnyvale, and you don't dare tell your father about this." She said, pointing a finger at Caroline. She nodded her head, placing her hand through her hand.

"Yes, ma'am." She said, shaking her head.

"We found the body off Highway 5 in the words between Shadyside and Sunnyvale." Deena told her. Caroline stood back up, stretching her legs out.

"It's not possible." Ziggy said, backing away.

"Oh, it's there. Trust us. The chains, the bones, the whole thing." Josh told her, Ziggy raised her chin.

"That could be anyone." She said, Caroline looked up at her, her shoulder shrugged.

"If it was just anyone why would we be here?"

"We found what you were looking for in '78. We found Sarah Fier. Look, please, we...Nurse Lane was right. We can end the curse by reuniting the hand with the body. And we know where the body is, so all we need is the hand. What happened to Camp Nightwing? Is the hand still there?" Deena asked her, Caroline shuttered, beginning to pace. "Is the hand still buried underneath the Hanging Tree?"


Shadyside mall was where the hand was, the Hanging Tree was there now. Caroline was driving, her mind was a mess. She had already blown 3 red lights.

"Caroline!" Deena yelled as she went way over the speed limit.

"Deena, I'm under a lot of fucking pressure right now! I just figured out that I have a dead aunt, who actually seemed pretty fucking cool!" Caroline yelled as she turned into the mall. She took a deep breath, leaning her head back. Her knee bounced as she went into a parking spot at the mall. She turned off the cad after parking, and the 3 went running in.

They dug through the tree, finding the hand.

"Holy shit!" Caroline yelled grabbing the hand. "Make sure no one is bleeding, please and thank you!" She gasped tossing the hand away from her.

"Don't break it! The thing is probably a million years old!" Deena yelled as Caroline took her jacket off. "What's are you doing?"

"Putting the hand in this jacket so then nothing gets on it and it doesn't break." She said, wrapping the hand like a Christmas present. "Now we ditch." She said, handing Deena the hand. She quickly got up, taking her keys out. They ran out of the mall, and into the car.

"Alright, who's putting the bones in this bitch?" She asked, starting the car up. She immediately started to drive, everyone but her putting their seatbelts on. She took a shaky breath as she got onto the highway.

"I'll do it." Deena volunteered herself as Caroline took a turn.

"Alright, i'll go with you." She said, getting out of the car.

Josh started to unbuckle, and Deena stopped him. "No.' She warned as Caroline began to walk over to where Sarah Fier was. She dug in with her hands, and found Peter's jock jacket.

She shivered forgetting the witches hand was in her jacket.

Her headache started again. She groaned, leaning her head back. "Alright, Sarah, what the fuck?" Caroline muttered as she heard Deena come over.

"Let's uh, let's do this." She said as Deena unwrapped the hand.

"I got you, you witch." Deena said, placing the hand to the body. Caroline put her hand down.

Then she saw it.

She saw it all.

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