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After the two sisters made up, and Maddy sat awkwardly, Alice came up all cheery. Maddy was happy the awkwardness was broken.

Maddy had pulled her out, and then Alice curiously saw Ziggy and Cindy conversing, which was different.

"You did it." Alice said, referring to the two up there. They escaped, and Tommy was gone. They're were safe.

"We all did." Maddy said, Alice pulled her in. At first, Maddy was caught by surprise, but she hugged back.

"Sunshine." She said, patting her back. Maddy smirked before pulling away.

"Be careful, this thing is like a million years old." Alice said ad Cindy came up behind them.

"I bought that a month ago." She said, slightly upset. Was it that ugly?

"No, I'm not talking about your stupid bag, genius. 'Blood will fall.' Satan's stone, ok? It was right there. All this time, buried under the moss, and I found it. I fucking found it." Alice said, proud of herself. Maddy looked at Cindy, confused.

"Found what?" Cindy asked.

"Three guesses."

They gathered around a mess hall table, and Alice pulled out the bag. She took an old looking skeleton hand out, Maddy covered her mouth.

Sarah Fier's wicked hand

"What? What is it?" Ziggy asked, staring down at it. Maddy chuckled, her hand over her mouth.

"It's the hand! Sarah Fier." She said as she stared down at it. Cindy grabbed her hand, rubbing her thumb on her knuckles.

"Nurse Lane. She spent her entire life looking for this. A way to stop the curse that took her daughter." Cindy said, Maddy nodded.

"'Without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm. The curse will last until the body and hand unite.' This led us to the hand bone. And if the legend is true, that means her body's still buried-" Alice said, pointing at the map. Ziggy looked up, shock on her face.

"By the hanging tree." She said, Maddy nodded.

"We can end this. No more murders, no more curse, no more...pain." She said looking at everyone. "We can save Shadyside, tonight!"

Ziggy dragged the hand towards her, placing her hand on it. Her nose started to bleed, and then dropped, and dropped.

Then she looked up, hher mouth going agape. She gasped, Maddy immediately grabbed her hand, snapping her back to reality.

"My nose. I bled on the hand and...I think I just saw her." Ziggy said worried. Maddy looked at Alice. Who had Ziggy seen?


"Sarah Fier. She was...she was angry." Ziggy said, Maddy's hand went through her hair, and she stood up.

"We have to bury this thing...right fucking now." Alice said, Maddy nodding in agreement. She ran over to get some shovels, she grabbed them. One was big, and two were small. That was it.

"Come on, let's go." She said, tossing the small ones to Ziggy and Alice.

"Hey, I thought the grudge was over. So, I gotta use my hands, Sunshine?" Alice asked her, Maddy laughed sarcastically.

"You're saying here, you're hurt."

"Come on, I can hop just fine." Alice said, hopping to the door. Cindy gave a warning look as she turned.

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