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The next morning after the full moon was horrible for Adeline Goode.

Her head ached of pain. It was horrible, it throbbed. She was making breakfast as she began to get yelled at again.

"Going in the woods when I told you not to." Solomon said as she scrubbed the dishes. She looked horrible. Like death. She had a large bruise around her eye, and cuts scattering around her face.

Solomon found out about the full moon, and how his daughter was in attendance. He was disgusted. She lied to him, and blatantly disobeyed him.

Yesterday night, he saw her walking in the house. She received a horrible beating that night, she ended up sleeping on the floor. When she woke up, she went to her chores quickly, not wanting to anger him more.

Maybe she should've listened to Maria. She was right, yet she was to stubborn to realize it. So, there she was, scrubbing the dishes from last night. Making sure there were cleaner than ever. Now she was even more fearful of her own father.

"You lied to me, Adeline. You lied!" He yelled, she turned her face, looking at him. She let out a shaky breath as he yelled at her, disciplining her. She knew what she did was bad, yet, she hadn't listened. She nodded her head, now feeling even more sorry.

Her father had never beaten her. He slapped her, but never had he ever done what he did last night. It changed how Adeline looked at him, it changed it forever.

"I'm sorry, father. I should've known better." Adeline said, her hand shook as he yelled at her.

"I don't like liars, Adeline!" He yelled, her heart beat raised as she washed off the dishes.

"You've disobeyed me, Adeline!" he said, angrily. She let her hair fall in front of her face as she scrubbed. "You lied to me, and you went into those woods when I told you not to!" He said, she put the dishes out to dry before moving away from him.

"I apologize, father." She said, looking up at him. Her eyes watered as she stared at him. She looked down at the floor. "I've disobeyed you, and I've lied to you...I have been a bad daughter." She said continuing her apologies. Solomon only stared at her once more. "I ask for your forgiveness." She whispered, Solomon had walked up next to her. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. He examined her face.

He looked into her eyes, identical to his. She had a bruise below her eye, and a cut on her lip, under her eye, and her eyebrow. They were scattered everywhere from what he had done, and he did a lot.

With one tear going down her cheek, she stared at him. "You disobey me, and this will all be much worse, Adeline." He said, she nodded her head.

"Please forgive me, father." She said, Solomon squeezed her chin. "I am sorry." She said Solomon nodded his head.

"Tell me you're still my little girl." He said, Adeline looked him in the eye. She nodded her head. She hated when he did this. Acted as if she was still a child.

"I'm still your little girl." She said sorrowfully, Solomon nodded his head. He grinned a little bit.

"You're forgiven, my daughter." He said, Adeline sighed of relief. She stared up at him, he wiped her tear from off her cheek.

"Thank you, father." Adeline cried, he pulled her in. Her head went on his shoulder, her blood going onto his shirt. He rubbed light circles on her back.

"I did that, I did all of this because I love you, my dear." He said, Adeline nodded her head. She knew that. The beatings, the pain, everything was because her father loved her. "And I don't want you to be away from me, because your my daughter." He told her, his hand in her hair, slowly stroking his fingers through it.

She closed her eyes, more tears slipping down her cheeks. She took a deep breath as she stood there, receiving his mercy and his forgiveness.

"We must be off, now. Clean yourself up, dear." He said, Adeline nodded her head. He pulled away from her, rubbing her shoulder.

"Yes, father." She said, putting her hair behind her ear. She wiped her tears before walking to the bathroom. She grabbed a cloth. She put it under the water of their sink, pumping for the water.

She started to run it over her cuts, and her wounds. When she did, blood went onto it. She cleared her throat, cleaning herself off. Tears dropped down her cheeks as she did.

father loves me,
father loves me,
father loves me,

She believed that. Behind everything he did, it was for good. Because she deserved it. She disobeyed him. She disobeyed her father. He had to teach her a lesson.
She deserved it.

"Adeline, my dear! Clean up quickly, we must be off!"

"I'm ready, father." She said, dropping the cloth to the sink. She walked out of the bathroom, wiping her tears.

When Solomon saw his daughter, he smiled. He smiled seeing her cleansed face, it was clean. There was no more blood. Plenty of scratches and bruises, but she looked better.

"My pretty girl." He said, she gave a fake smile. At that moment, she didn't know what to say.

So she said nothing.
She stayed quiet.

They walked to Union together, Solomon had a gift for Sarah. He also figured that it wouldn't hurt for Adeline to get some fruits and some more food. They did need it, after all.

When they got to Union, Solomon went to Sarah's house, and Adeline went to get some foods.

When she did, a certain aunt of hers got her attention. "Adeline!" Maria exclaimed as she ran over to her niece. Adeline gif her face from her.

Next to Maria was Abbi Goode. Abbi was taken aback by what she had looked like at that moment.

"What happened?" Abbi asked her, Adeline lied. She lied again. But, it was to protect her father, though she had just hurt him.

"I was walking back last night, and I tripped on the rocks." Adeline lied, Maria knew she was lying. Adeline looked around, there was much commotion near the church. She rose onto her toes, looking over there.

"What's going on?"

"My sister is there, I will be right back." She said before walking over. A loud shriek was heard, and then the other two Goode's ran over.

"The pastor has looked the children!" Someone shrieked, it was known that recently that Pastor Miller wasn't feeling well. He wasn't well at all.

Adeline ran over, the other two behind her.

The horrors inside of the church, the meeting house haunted everyone.

The children were there, and there was a like in the middle of the aisle.

The children were dead, their eyes cut from their heads.

Pastor Miller's eyes were also cut from his head.

So the nursery rhyme was correct.

Pastor Miller, blind as a bat. Tried to read the bible, and his eyes went splat.

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