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and i'll be in denial for atleast a little while
what about the plans we made?


"What do you mean you're fucking leaving?"

Wind went through Caroline Goode's dark brown hair as two females stood outside. It was early fall as Caroline broke the news to her friend that she would be moving out of Shadyside and to Sunnyvale.

"I mean I'm moving to Sunnyvale."

Caroline Allyson Goode. She was in 8th grade when her mother passed away. Her mother passed away in a "Shadyside tragedy" as many call it.

Caroline had to move to Sunnyvale because her father lived there. Her father was Nick Goode. He was the Sheriff of Sunnyvale.

Sunnyvale was the rich side of two towns. It had little to no crimes, and it was a safe place. Everyone who lived their was rich. They had somewhat of a stable at home life to the public eye.

Shadyside was the poor side of two towns. It had many crimes, and the majority of this crimes were murders and it was far from safe there. Everyone who lived there was miserable. No one cared about any one but themselves there. It was a depressing place.

All of Caroline's life she lived in Shadyside. She kept herself in a small group of friends. They were Kate, Simon, Deena, and Sam. She ran track at Shadyside Middle school, which was one of the reasons she was well known. Another reason she was so well known was because she was Sheriff Nick Goode's daughter.

Though she was liked by many people, they all knew who her family was. When she was a baby, her parents split, and her mother got custody. She still kept very heavy contact with her father and her Sunnyvale family though the circumstances where hard.

"Jesus, what the hell, Caroline. Why are you moving to Sunnyvale?" Asked her friend, Deena. Caroline shook her head. Her mother had only died a week ago. Everyone in her tight knit group of friends knew that.

"Deena, my mom died, my dad lives in Sunnyvale! What would you like me to do about that?" Caroline asked as she looked at the curly headed girl with an upset expression on her face. "I'm a half hour away, alright? I'll visit, it's not like I'm across the country." Caroline said with a small scoff of disbelief in the lack of sympathy from the girl.

"Yeah right, you'll visit one time and then enjoy cheerleading with your rich best friends. You'll be the fucking princess there with your family's reputation." Deena said as Caroline bit her lip to keep herself from crying. She looked down at her beat up Nike shoes as Deena was angry about her moving.

"Here's a few things that I know will happen. You're going to give up the one thing your passionate about, just so you can fit in." Deena said, referring to track. Caroline stared at her as she tried to rip the 14 year old apart with her words.

"You're gonna forget all about us, and turn into a fucking bitch like every other Sunnyvaler. That innocent, humble girl is going to turn into a cocky little slut." Deena said as Caroline looked away from her. Everything that Deena was saying was breaking her, piece by piece.

"I'm sorry that you're upset about this, but my mother just died, alright this is better than foster care, Deena." Caroline told her as a tear dripped down her cheek. Deena shook her head as she made an "excuse".

"You know what? Fuck you, and now go cry to your rich daddy. I saw this coming, I knew you'd be like every other person in your god damn family." Deena told the girl. Caroline wiped her tear away. Caroline nodded her head as she nodded her head.

She wanted to say something back. She wanted to tell Deena to fuck herself. Or that she'd be like her father, she knew what that would feel like. But she didn't hold back.

"While we're talking let's talk about a few things that'll happen to you, why don't we?" Caroline said staring at Deena. "You'll grow up to be the shadyside trash like anyone else who stays here. You'll get into alcohol and make enemies out of everyone you meet. Ten years later you'll be sitting on your chair, drinking all your fucking problems away. You'll be just like your fucking dad, Deena." Caroline told her as she pointed a finger at her. Deena stared at Caroline as she shit talked her.

"Go fuck yourself." Deena said and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Good fucking luck, Deena." Caroline said before storming away.

At the moment, Caroline Goode was more fragile than ever. The teenager was far from okay. Caroline walked away as the cold nipped at her cheeks.

Little did she know, Deena was right.

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