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Caroline never thought she would be walking down the Shadyside Hallways again.

Everyone had gone to Shadyside high to attract the killers there. They had a plan. It was a good plan that would kill every last one of them.

They were all searching around for clothes in the list and found bin. Caroline grabbed jeans, a striped tank top, and a blueish jacket and black converse.

"Alright, we have to decontaminate. You can't have any of Sam's blood on you." Josh said digging through clothes to wear.

"Well, not much I can do about that." Sam said with her arms crossed. Caroline couldn't help but feel bad for her. She walked off alone to some room. Deena got up behind her with clothes and walked behind Sam.

"Deena, you have to get clean too! Not a single drop, ok?" Josh yelled at her. Caroline stood up next to Simon and the two walked with Josh and Kate.

"Rub-a-dub-dub time!" Simon said as Caroline leaned her head back. All she wanted was some kind of pain medication right now.

She stared up at the ceiling, the light was flickering above her. She took a deep sigh as she looked back over. Josh was following Kate into the bathroom.

"Carol, your with me." Simon exclaimed from the bathroom. Caroline sighed, she thought it'd be better if she was with a female, but for how long she knew Simon, she knew he'd never do anything to her.

She pushed open the bathroom door and walked in. "Hello there." Simon said as he scrubbed his hands. Caroline went next to him and scrubbed her hands as well.

"I need you to check my back." Simon said taking his pants off. Caroline looked over at him with her eyebrows furrowed. She though he wanted her to check his back.

Simon went to a stall, tripping over his pants as he did so. Caroline looked down at the sink, scrubbing off any blood that could've been hers or Sam's off her hands.

"This is all crazy." Caroline said looking at her hands as she scrubbed them. She looked up into the mirror, and saw that vision again.

With her with all black eyes and all black veins. She gasped and stepped back. Simon was in the stall, so he had no idea what she had seen.

She looked around the bathroom and took a deep breath. She put her hands on her head and leaned on the sink.

"Check me!" Simon exclaimed opening the door. Caroline walked in and looked at his back. He had no blood on it.

"You're good." Caroline said as Simon reached for the bright blue sweater he got from the lost and found bin.

"Alright, sheriff, your up." Simon joked with her. Caroline walked into the stall as Simon looked back into the mirror. He had some blood on his face, but it wasn't Sam's, he still wiped it off though.

Caroline grabbed the gun from her pajama pants pocket. She put it in her jeans and put on a belt.

"Check me!" Caroline said, Simon walked into the stall. Caroline couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Not because it was Simon, but because she was half naked and stuff. Simon lifted up her curly hair to see that she had no blood on her. 

"You're good, Carol." He said Caroline gave a tight lipped smile, and he walked out.

She put on her articles of clothing and walked out of the stall. Caroline put her hair in a ponytail again as Simon waited for her.

"Think this'll work?" Simon asked, hopping up in the counter. Caroline shrugged her shoulders, looking down.

"I hope so." Caroline said looking up and over at Simon. There was silence as the two waited in there. "What about after?" Caroline asked him.

"After what, Carol?" Simon asked her. Caroline pursed her lips, tapping her foot in the bathroom floor.

"After this witch shit is over. Are we all gonna be the same?" Caroline asked him. Simon looked down at the ground as Caroline started to lean on the sink.

"If you don't run away again." Simon said, making Caroline roll her eyes.

"Simon, I didn't have a choice-"

"No that's not what I mean. You didn't call or visit, not once." Simon said. Caroline looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

"I didn't think you'd want to hear from me again. Deena sure didn't, so I stopped talking to you guys." Caroline said, she wiped her tears away as she stared at the floor again. She cracked her knuckles, biting her lip.

"Me and Kate missed you." Simon said. Caroline felt her heart go to her stomach when he said that.

"I'm sorry." Caroline apologized. "I didn't forget about you guys, I just..I don't know." Carolin trailed off. She'd got new friends, she got a perfect boyfriend, she got uptight, and bitchy to. She was always trying to be perfect.

Caroline rarely saw Simon sincere. He was always laughing and joking. She never saw him hiding his tears, or getting sentimental.

"I quit track, became a cheerleader. I got new friends, and I got uptight I guess." Caroline said looking at Simon who was fiddling with a leather bracelet on his wrist.

"When you left, it was kinda tough, and um, everything got worse from there." Simon said looking at his wrist. He started to unbuckle his wrist bracelets. Caroline stood next to him with her eyebrows starting to furrow together. "I had to start taking care of my siblings, and just a few months ago, Timmy OD'd, I mean he's fine now, but, I thought this was the only way out." Simon said showing her his wrist. It had cuts on it, they were scars. Caroline stared at them as more tears glistened her blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Caroline said as Simon put his bracelet back down. Hot tears fell down her face as Simon looked down.

"I didn't know what else to do." Simon said as Caroline looked up at him He had on tear going down his cheek, he wiped it away and looked down.

Caroline pulled the taller boy into a hug. "When this is over, we're all gonna go to the lake again. And we're gonna bring bathing suits this time." Caroline said with a laugh. Simon laughed to. She sniffled as she hugged him. "I'm gonna be here more often, I promise." Caroline said, looking up at him. He smiled and nodded his head.

"I'd like that."

The two walked out of the bathroom. Caroline had sworn not to tell anyone. The two leaned on the wall, waiting for everyone.

"I think they all went to town, Simon." Caroline said as a small bang was heard. She looked around for the source. "And we should get this over with soon." Caroline said as two people walked out of the girls bathroom. It was Kate and Josh, the two friends figured it out by the looks on their faces.

"No." Simon said in disbelief.

"It was barely first base." Kate said, looking down. Caroline smirked and then Deena and Sam went walking out of the hallway.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you...all go to pound town?" Simon asked them. Caroline nodded her head looking at them.

"Looks like it."

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