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So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose


Caroline was sitting at home on the couch. She was watching a movie on the TV as she put her head on her hand.

A lot had happened in the past night. Her two best friends had died after she reunited with them. Sam had an evil witch come after her. So Sam died and came back to life, and everyone had a near death experience, and two actually died.

If that's how anyone could sum it up, that would be it. But everyone thought it was over. Their pain, their loss, and their suffering. Little did everyone know it would get worse.


Caroline stood up from off the couch and walked over to her house phone. Caroline leaned on the counter as she answered.
"Hello?" Caroline asked, she heard screaming in the background, and she only hoped it was a horror movie.

"Caroline! You gotta get to C. Berman's house!" Josh yelled at her. Caroline furrowed her eyebrows and ran to grab her shoes and a jacket, as well as her wallet since it had her drivers license in it.

"What happened?" Caroline asked as she put her shoes on her feet

"Sam went crazy, I don't know! Just get down there, the address is 9006 Brennan Way." Josh yelled before hanging up the phone. Caroline dropped the phone on the counter as she tied her other lace.Caroline grabbed her car keys off of the counter. She ran out the doors to her blue car and un locked it.


Caroline took out her pager and read the message from her dad.

Will not be home for a little while. Martin went off somewhere, can't find him. Sorry, Carolina.


Caroline made sure her uncle wasn't outside when she walked out, just so he wouldn't tell Nick she left.

Caroline ran to her car, started it, then she went speeding down the road. She knew what she was doing was illegal, but she was worried. She thought this all ended.

"9006 Brennan Way." Caroline muttered so she wouldn't forget. She saw cop lights behind her and she sighed. They're sirens were on, and the 17 year old pulled over.

"Just what I need." Caroline muttered as she grabbed her license from her wallet. She grabbed the car registration which was in the glove compartment as the cop walked up to her.

He knocked on her window and she looked over. She rolled it down and saw an officer, Officer Kapinski. Kapinski worked for her father, and her grandfather.

"Do you know why you were pulled over today?" He asked her. Caroline nodded her head.

"I was speeding." Caroline said as the officer looked at her. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw her.

"Does your father know your out?" Kapinski asked her. She nodded her head and held up her pager. "Alright, can I have you license and your car registration?" He asked her and she handed them to him.

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