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"Does your father know you're out?"

Adeline's head turned to see the person asking her the question. It was her aunt, Maria. Adeline smiled, seeing her aunt.

"What he doesn't know will not hurt him." She said, a strand of hair going behind her ear. Her blue eyes stared at Maria's expression. She didn't want Adeline to pay the consequences of this if Solomon found out.

"When he knows, he will hurt you." Maria said, Adeline sighed.

"He won't know, and if he does know, I know why. I broke the rules, and he will try to help me be better." Adeline said, Maria was taken aback by her logic. It disgusted her what Solomon had been saying to her. "It's out of love, not hatred, Maria." Adeline said before walking by her.

Maria shook her head at her niece. Was she serious? She was risking so much, but she did this anyway? How stupid was she?

"Adeline, I'm serious, he will not hesitate." Maria said, Adeline rolled her eyes. She continued to walk, that's when she grabbed her arm. "Go home."

"No." Adeline said, ripping her arm from her. She stormed away, to the front of the Fier home, giving Sarah a sign she was there.

Inside of the Fier home, Sarah smiled. She quickly went downstairs, and out of her home.

"I'm surprised Solomon put his eyes off of you." Sarah said as they started to walk. They still had to get Lizzie and Hannah, who would he with them soon.

"Well, he got a good nights rest." Adeline told her a smile on her face.

Once the two girls reached Lizzie and Hannah, they all walked over to get the fruits, from the Widow.

"What does an old lady need with that?" Sarah asked as they walked in the woods. They held a lantern, going though and getting light.

"She's not just an old lady. The Widow's a 1,000 years old. She drink the blood of virgins to keep her youth." Lizzie said, Adeline widened her eyes. It was right now that she wished she had done it.

"Well, you're safe then." Sarah joked, making everyone chuckle.

"She sacrificed her husband to become the Devil's bride. That's how she gained eternal life." Lizzie educated them. Adeline rolled her eyes, it was all fake. No one in the settlement dated to make deals with the devil, it was dangerous.

"Well, I heard she kept the company of the natives, and that she even fell in love with one. That's why she was exiled. She learned their medicine too. Solomon told me." Sarah said, looking at Adeline. She raised her eyebrows. He told her that story as well? "He took his wife to her after...well, you know. It was too late, though." Sarah said, Adeline looked down. She clasped her hands together, knowing she referred to her mother's death.

"Are you sure this is the right way? How do you know where we're going?" Hannah asked as they came to a stop.

"I've been there before. Remember when Abigail had her ring of fire?" Lizzie asked, moving around in a circle with the lantern. Abigail Berman hadn't made good choices, it was rumored that she was a whore, and she had sex before marriage. It was true.

"She was scratching like a dog during Father's sermon. Mother told me she had lain with a demon. The devils gift." Hannah said, a toothy grin on her face.

"Whoever she lay with, Abbi made me go to the widow with her." Lizzie said, continuing their walk.

"And the widow fixed her with witchcraft?" Adeline asked, Lizzie nodded her head, looking back at her.

"Yes, witchcraft. And some foul-smelling paste made for whores like Abbi Berman." Lizzie said, Adeline rolled her eyes.

When the reached the Widow's home, they came to a stop.

"Are we sure about this?" Sarah asked, Lizzie led the way, the other 3 following her inside.

Adeline was skeptical as they entered through the tarp. Lizzie had gone first, then Adeline, then Sarah and Hannah.

"Widow Mary?" Lizzie asked, entering. Adeline started to look around for the fruits. "Widow Mary?" She asked against

The tent was warm, and there was a hot fire cracklings: She owned a crow the kept cawing, and cawing and cawing. It was quite annoying to Adeline and the other girls.

She continued looking around, next to Hannah as she did. "Find anything?" Hannah asked, standing up straight. Adeline held a small pot of berries.

"I've got it." Adeline said a proud grin on her face. She started standing up, being careful of her surroundings. She slipped it into the small satchel she had on, then looking for Sarah.

"You get Sarah, I'll be outside with Lizzie." Adeline said before walking out. She walked over to Lizzie, holding the small pot in her hand.

"A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land, isn't it?"


"And I've tried to tell her that her father is gonna get angry if she comes, and she wouldn't budge!"

Maria was walking to the woods with Abigail. She was beyond worried for her niece.

"Oh, please, Solomon's a good man. He'll understand." Abbi said, putting her hand on Maria's arm. Maria didn't want to talk horribly of her brother and his family, so, she simply nodded her head.

"You're right. She'll be fine." Abbi said, Maria nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I know, I know." She said as they walked towards the woods. They entered, seeing a few people there.

She saw Adeline and her friends handing out berries, and it worried her. She hoped her father wouldn't see her like that when she had gotten home. See her in the state she would be in.

"Abbi!" Adeline exclaimed, waving her over. She extended her hand, having shown the black berries in them.

"Fruits of the land." Adeline said, Abbi smiled taking a berry for herself. She put it in her mouth, chewing and swallowing, Maria doing the same with her own.

It took an immediate effect.

Everyone was singing and dancing in the woods. It was a great time. A few mishaps that had been solved, but a good night anyway.

After nights of dancing, singing, partying, the two went into the woods.

"Abbi." Maria said as they went behind a tree. Maria's back went against the tree, and Abbi's hands went on her face.

"We shouldn't." Abbi said, her hands in her hair. "Maria, you're getting married next week." she said, removing her hands. Maris looked sad, her eyes glistening up at the red headed girl.

"I don't want to marry him, Abigail." Maria admitted, leaning in. Abbi put her hand on Maria's chest. "I don't want him." Maria said. Abbi looked her in the eyes, seeing how the moon shined them, seeing the blue color in them.

"It's wrong, god won't forgive us. This is adultery." Abbi said, Maria placed her hand on her cheek. She moved the hair away from her neck, and onto her back.

"I don't want Thomas, Abbi." Maria said honestly, she looked up at Maria. She looked at her, ready for everything.

"What do you want, Maria?" Abbi asked her. Maria looked at her lips, then back into her eyes.

"You, I just want you."

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