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The girl shook her friend who's nose was bleeding. She was gasping, panting. What was happening. Sirens were coming toward the two, ringing in their ears.

"Deena, what happened?" Caroline asked, shaking her. Deena whispered one thing.

"Sheriff Goode." She said, making the girl confused.

"What about him, Deena?" Caroline asked, Deena got up and started running, grabbing Caroline's hand.

"We have to get Josh." Deena said, running. There two ran up the hill together, searching for Josh.

"Where's your sister?"


Caroline reached for Josh's hand, and Deena dragged them away.

"Caroline!" Nick yelled, seeing his daughter run away with to Shadysiders.

The three ran into the woods, hiding behind a tree. Josh and Caroline were confused as of what was happening.

"It's him!" Deena said, wiping the blood from her nose.

"Josh! Your sister is very confused!" They heard Nick yell to them.

"His dad, and his grandpa, and his great grandpa, and great great grand mother, and great great great grandfather!" Deena whispered, rambling. Caroline grabbed her other hand, trying to see what she meant.

"Deena! Whats going on?" She asked, Deena looked at the two of them, before saying something that would change them for ever, especially Caroline.

"Caroline, sweetheart! You gotta come home, she's not influencing you well!" Nick yelled for his daughter, trying to sugarcoat her.

"Goode is evil!"

"W-what?" Caroline asked, seeing her father's flashlight.

"Listen, I'll explain in a second, we just have to get out of here." Deena whispered, Caroline nodded.

How would they get out of there though? Nick was armed, and they had nothing. Their car couldn't go faster than his, and they certainly couldn't out run him.

Not my car
We can't run
We can't hide

"That's it." Caroline whispered, looking up. She hit Deena's arm and pointed at the cop car. "My dad's car." She said, Deena nodded, agreeing.

"If you two forgot, he's in the woods near us. How are we supposed to get up their?" Josh asked, Caroline thought again. She sighed, Nick would stop when he saw his daughter. He'd ask her the questions, and he'd maybe get answers.

"You 2 go! I'll keep him back, if I'm not up there in more than a minute, go." She breathed out, running her hands through her hair.

"I'm not leaving without you-"

"Yes, you are. Now he's coming, so, get your ass up there, Deena Johnson." Caroline sighed, Deena nodded, standing up with Josh. She let go of her hand, and waited until her dad reached her.

The two got up and went running to his car. Caroline saw Nick's flashlight coming toward her, and she looked over. He held his gun in his hand, and the flashlight in the other.

"Dad!" Caroline yelled, putting her hands up in defense. She crawled back away from him as he stood there, searching for Deena and Josh.

"Where are they?" He asked, hearing leaves shuffling. He kept the gun pointed at Caroline and he turned his head, looking for them. He saw them, running up the hill and into his car. "Shit!" He yelled, Caroline looked at his gun, she lunged for it. She took it into her hand, and stood up quickly. She pointed it at him, turning the safety off.

"Caroline." He warned, Caroline pointed it at him. She wouldn't pull the trigger, she was just bluffing. "Give me the gun." He said, she shook her head.

"Put your hands behind your head, and get on the ground.

"Caroline-" He warned, Caroline shot it, making sure not to hit him. He put his hands behind his head, complying to what his 17 year old was doing.

"Get on the fucking ground!" She exclaimed, Nick dropped to his knees, and she sighed, pointing the gun at him.

"Caroline." He said, confusing himself as of how he is letting his daughter do this.

"Stay the fuck down!" She yelled, taking steps away from him. She started to run away, back stumbling slightly. Once she was far enough away, she sprinted up the hill.

Caroline quickly got into the passenger side of the car, they both shouted as they heard her entering.

"Drive!" Caroline yelled, locking the doors. Deena sped off, sighing of relief.

"I was back in time. I was Sarah Fier, and Sarah Fier was innocent. She isn't turning people in Shadyside into killers. She wasn't a witch!" Deena immediately yelled at them, speeding down the road.

"We have a 5150 in possession of car 961. Suspects on their way."

"Listen to me! Solomon Goode-" Deena started, Josh furrowed his eyebrows.

"In the fucking family tree?" Caroline asked, as Josh asked who Solomon was.

"Yes! Nick Goode's Pilgrim ancestor he made a deal with the devil, then framed Sarah to cover his own Puritan ass." Deena said, Caroline shook her head. That wasn't right, it couldn't have been!

"Listen, I'm not joking, Caroline, I swear! It sounds crazy, but...the Goode's, they're trading us. People from Shadyside. Goode gives a name to the Devil. The Devil takes over that person. Then that person kills and murders. And the Devil feeds on this blood of dead Shadysiders." Deena said, Caroline shook her head. She couldn't believe this. What was Deena spitting out. She put her head in her hands, the gun resting on her lap.


"And Goode gets whatever he wants. He becomes Sheriff. His brother becomes mayor. All of Sunnyvale gets better and better." Deena said, Caroline believed it. She knew Deena couldn't lie over this, it was hard to admit. But it was true, wasn't it.

Caroline thought her life was finally good. Turns out it wasn't. Her family was evil, and horrible.

"And Shadyside doesn't." Josh finished, tears entering Caroline's eyes.

"And the Goode's do it over and over, again and again. One Goode from every generation passing down the evil. Solomon, his daughter, firstborn to firstborn. Right to today. Right to Sheriff Nick Goode." Deena said, speeding up. Caroline let out a shaky breath. She couldn't believe it, any of it. But, Deena couldn't just make a lie up like that, right?

"So, Sarah Fier-"

"He framed her! She's the only one who's ever figured out the truth...until us." Deena sighed, seeing Caroline's expression. Caroline thought her whole life was a lie.

Her father was a monster. She was the child of the monster. You could put the pieces together...

"And the killers came after us to keep us from uncovering it."

"Yes, to protect Goode's deal with the Devil."

"But...but, Deena. If the killers were after us before, now that we know the truth, now that we know about Goode's deal...what happens now?" Josh asked, looking at his sister.

"I think we all know." Caroline said, as the car turned into Ziggy's home. The car came to a jolt, and she stormed out.

She wasn't ready to be like the rest of her family.

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