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" not let them anywhere near this. Do you hear me?"

When it came to color war, Kurt was very, very serious. Kurt was the boy he tried a bit to hard in gym class, and so when it came to this stuff, he went crazy. So it was capture the flag this evening, and Kurt was obviously nuts.

Maddy was busy doing red eyeblack for everyone in Sunnyvale. When you play softball, you get the eyeblack privileges. She was really only doing lines down people's faces or on their cheeks.

"Yes!" Sunnyvale yelled as Kurt lifted a young girl into the air. Maddy smirked as she turned to a girl next to her. It was Haley, the little girl.

"How come you don't have red paint on?" Haley asked curiously. Maddy sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, Haley." Maddy said as another kid sat next to her on the bench. He was a younger boy who was tiny.

"Can Maddy have red paint to?" He asked Kurt. Maddy scratched her forehead as Kurt nodded his head with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Maddy can one 100% have red paint." Kurt said making Maddy want to flip him off. "In fact, why don't you two do it for her." Kurt said before getting back to instruction for capture the flag. Maddy let out a agitated sigh and turned to the two kids.

"Don't go to crazy though." Maddy warned as Haley grabbed the eyeblack stick. She put one line going from one cheek to another over the bridge of her nose.

Sunnyvale cheered happily as Maddy started to cheer with them. She looked over to see Cindy and Tommy waving her over.
"Alright, Sunnyvale, let's go!" Maddy exclaimed before jogging away as she clapped her hands.

"Nice eyeblack." Tommy joked with her. Maddy rolled her eyes and looked back at Sunnyvale.

"It was requested that I joined the fun." Maddy said looking at the two. Cindy had a small smile on her face as Maddy spoke.

"Hey, Maddy, your close with Kurt, right?" Cindy asked Maddy. Maddy shook her head no.

"No." Maddy answered and Cindy nodded her head.

"Well, you know him better than we do, so do you think you could get us the key to the infirmary?" Cindy asked. Maddy placed a hand on her heart and pretended to be hurt by that.

"I'm being used." Maddy said then placing her and by her sides again. She looked at Kurt who was still giving the game plan for Color War. "I can get them though." Maddy said before walking over to Kurt. She placed her hands in her pockets as she did so.

Cindy watched as the girl walked away. Her curly hair bounced as she went over, Cindy looked lower, and- Cindy! She yelled at herself mentally.

Maddy went up to Kurt with a smile. "Hey, Kurt, want me to get the bug spray and the tick repellent, just because they'll be in the woods and stuff?" Maddy asked Kurt who nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's in the infirmary, go grab it." Kurt said. Maddy started to walk away, but then "realized" that she needed the key. She snapped her fingers and turned around.

"Infirmary is locked, I need the keys." Maddy said with a sigh. Kurt sighed and took the keys from his pocket. It had the infirmary keys, and other keys that were on a keychain. He tossed them to Maddy who cought them with her one hand and she turned.

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