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The people to blame for being the devil were two women.

Sarah Fier and Hannah Miller

They laid with the devil.

Adeline stood with a group of people. Lizzie, Isaac, Abigail, and Maria. All whom were friends with the so-called witches.

"It wasn't them." Lizzie had said, her voice shaky. "So what if they laid together, that does not mean they struck a deal with the devil!" Lizzie said angrily. She wiped her tears from her face, looking down at the ground. She let out a shaky breath.

Maria and Abigail sat there, guilty of the crime as well. They two had laid together, and with the devil. They should be suffering as well, but they hadn't had enough courage to speak up. They hadn't had the voice to do it, they knew they would die if they told anyone.

Adeline sat there, her head leaned against a wall. She was in awe, thinking of everything that was happening. Her eyes glistened with tears as she sat, everyone's did. Many for the same reasons, many for different.

They heard everyone yelling for Sarah Fier. They had already caught Hannah, she was chained somewhere. She would be put to death by hanging. She would be hung at sunrise.

Everyone would be watching.

Adeline wanted to scream and shout now. They didn't deserve this. No one did. Why must they pay the sacrifice of being in love? Why? It was not their fault.

"I found the witch!"

Adeline had stood up, seeing her father holding Sarah by her hair. Sarah started to sob and Adeline shook her head. She covered her mouth as she started to walk over.

"It wasn't her." Maria said, Abbi looked at Maria. She shook her head.

"Maria, you must let it be. We cannot confess." Abbi said, taking her hands. Maria felt tears enter her eyes as she saw the accused woman being chained.

"Father! No!" Adeline yelled, no one heard.

Mad Thomas walked up to his soon to be wife, dragging her away from Abbi. "You see this, Maria?" He whispered in excitement. "Sinners!" He yelled, his arms around her. He laughed manically. Maria pushed him off of her, shaking her head.

"Get off of me!" She said, pushing him away. He laughed at her struggle.

"Oh, my dear wife, I will be ready to watch these sinners hang!" He whispered in her ear, his arms still firmly wrapped around her. She tried to get him off, but he only went tighter around her.

"They should not be punished for love, Thomas!" She said as she watched Sarah be chained up, and thrown next to Hannah.

"They lay with the devil, my love." He said, finding happened from Sarah and Hannah's cries.

"I'm not your love!" She said pushing again, Thomas smirked as she struggled against him again. "I'll never be your love!" She said, looking at Abbi.

Abbi was her love.
Her only love.

When the sun rose, everyone of Union followed behind Sarah and Hannah. They were to be hung. They were to confess of their unholy deeds.

Maria stood with the others, watching as her best friends were condemned. They were being shouted, obscenities were being screamed at them.

"Hang them!" Everyone yelled, minus the few in the crowd.

"Confess your sins or burn in eternal hell." Elijah said, circling around the two girls. "Confess!" He yelled at them.

Maria watched her brother do this, this torment. This murder. She watched her other brother stand for it in silence. He watched his daughter stand on the side of Sarah Fier, knowing it would get her hurt.

Then there was Sarah and Hannah. The two females looked at each other, tears filling their eyes.

"I confess." Sarah whispered, Hannah shook her head.

"No" Her voice broke, Sarah was confessing. It would not be good.

"I confess!" She yelled, earning gasps from the crowd.

"No! She's lying!" Hannah yelled. Elijah came up behind her, covering her mouth. He kept her silent, letting Sarah say everything.

"I walked with the Devil! I lay with him! I bewitched the good pastor. And I bewitched...Hannah Miller." Sarah said as Hannah struggled against Elijah's grip. Adeline wiped her tears away, seeing her family do this.

"I clouded her mind." Sarah said, then lowering her voice. "I clouded her mind. It was me." She whispered, staring at Hannah in agony and pain. She hated this, every moment. "It was me! It was only me. It was always me. Hanna's innocent." Sarah cried, in the crowd was Solomon, staring at this.

"Let her go." He said, Hannah was dragged into the crowd in a strugge.

Solomon began to chain Sarah again, Adeline turned her head. She would never forgive Solomon for this. Ever.

"No!" Maria whispered, Abigail grabbed her hand, tears dripping down their faces. Everyone watched the rope go around Sarah's neck, and then the tree.

The rope was pulled, and then...

Sarah Fier was dead.


It was a week since the death of Sarah Fier. Maria was married, Abigail was alone, well, not anymore.

The two females sat near the tree of Sarah Fier's death. Two knives, two people. Two sinners.

If Sarah died for this, so should they. The knife clenched in their hands.

"I love you, Abigail." Maria said, grabbing her cheek. The two both leaned in, sharing one last kiss.

"I love you, Maria."

"Till death do us part."

"Till death do us part."


30 years after Sarah Fier is where Adeline Goode sat.

In a cave.

With a book.

One name.
One person.

And the chain would go on, and on, and on, until it was broken.

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