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The three females in the cave heard yelling above them. Cindy had realized they were near the camp, due to the moss everywhere. It was the exact same moss that stained her shirt.

So, when Alice's leg was wrapped, they all started to walk, or in her case, limp. As they walked, a stench grew, and it wasn't good. It smelt horrible.

"Do you smell that?" Cindy asked, Maddy nodded her head.

"It smells like shit." She said, continuing to walk. Her flashlight shined in front of them, right up until they saw something.

Toilet paper.

"Is that toilet paper?" Alice asked, curious and hopeful.

"It's the outhouse. It's gotta be." Cindy said as Alice cursed behind them.

Maddy shined her flashlight up, seeing a toilet above them. "Got it." Maddy said, then hearing a lot of screaming, and fighting.

"Hey, down here." She screamed, jumping up and down. The other two followed her lead, yelling as well.

The toilet opened, and none other than Ziggy Berman's face came through.

"Cindy?" She adked, and bright smiles appeared on their faces. "What are you doing down there?" Ziggy asked curiously.

"It's...Its kinda a long story. Are you ok?" Cindy asked, panting. Maddy rubbed a circle on her back, and Cindy blushed a little bit.

"Yeah, just hold on a second!" She said, Cindy still wasn't impressed by the answer she was given.

"Ziggy, are you ok?" She asked, the door closing again.

Seconds later, a bucket was brought down. They helped Alice get on it, and then she started going up.

"We're gonna get that cheeseburger date." Maddy laughed as Cindy pulled her in. She connected their foreheads, their noses touching. Cindy started to kiss her again Maddy had no issue with that.

"Yeah, we are." Cindy said between the moss. Maddy heard a shriek, and they pulled away from each other. She heard Alice drop, and she made sure she was ok.

"You ok?" She asked, suddenly a body came flying down.

A headless body.

They all screamed in fear, seeing it. "Holy shit!" Maddy yelled, hearing commotion above them, Maddy pulled the headless boy, who ended up being Gary off of Alice's hurt leg.

"Holy shit, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Maddy repeated, holding her head in her hands. Her hand went through her hair, and she sat there, stressed beyond anything.

"Ziggy!" Cindy cried for her sister. Maddy sat down next to Alice.

"There's gotta be another way out." Alice said, shaking her head.

"No, there's not." Cindy said, Maddy said nothing. She didn't know what to say.

"We're at the outhouse. We're at camp. Come on, get the diary. We're too close." Alice said, Cindy picked up the diary, opening up to the map.

"Okay, these tunnels the witch, she made them, right?" Alice asked curious, Maddy nodded, unsure.


"And, 'She emerged by the Meeting House, one hand severed lost forever.' The meeting house, which is now..." Alice said, pointing at a part in red. The mess hall.

"The Mess Hall." Cindy said, Alice nodded.

"There's gotta be another way out." She said, Maddy started to get up, extending their hands to them.

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