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"Nick, this is inappropriate. We can't do this to a camper, especially one of mine!" Chloe said as Ziggy was grabbing bugs from the animal room.

"Since when are you a goody two shoes, babe?" Nick joked as he turned to look at his girlfriend. His hand went on her butt, and she hit it.

"Nick, I'm serious." Chloe said as Nick went to place his hand there again. "I mean, come on-" Chloe said trying to grab his hand to walk off. "Tell Ziggy that it's off." Chloe told him and Nick took his hand from her.

"Why are you being like this?" He asked her and Chloe shook her head. She didn't know what she was being like.

"Being like what?" Chloe asked and Nick put his arms out and clapping them to his sides.

"Your trying to act all perfect, sometimes we have to break rules to have fun." Nick said, Chloe shook her head.

"This isn't fun, I know Sheila is far from innocent, but come on." Chloe said as Nick was looking over at Ziggy. She was bent over getting the bugs from the container.

Nick had totally spaced out from what Chloe was saying to him. She looked at what he was looking at, and she looked down. He had that look on his face, like he truly loved Ziggy. He didn't love Chloe, he just pretended.

In that moment Chloe felt a pit in her stomach, and she felt sick. Nick never looked at her like that.

"You know what, do what you want, I don't care, Nick. Hang out with your new girlfriend." She said before walking away. Nick looked at her, and only one thing went through his head.

The thing wasn't an apology, or feeling upset for his girlfriend leaving, but he was angry, and annoyed. He wasn't worried about where she was going, but he was worried about what she was going to do. If she would say something.

"I swear to god, Chloe if you tell anyone-" Nick said as he grabbed her arm tightly. She tried to get off, but he pulled her in closely. She looked up at him as he stared into her eyes, she saw nothing in them. She just saw another set of eyes. There was nothing special about it.

"If you tell anyone, I'll ruin your fucking life." Nick said as Chloe turned her head away from him and he grabbed her chin to make her look at him. "You got it?" He asked, Chloe nodded her head.

"Yeah, I got it." Chloe said ripping her arm away from him. She noticed Ziggy walk out of the room with a bucket of beetles as Chloe stormed off.

Chloe had tears in her eyes as she walked off. She quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath.

She looked back at Nick and Ziggy who were laughing and smiling. She shook her head and walked to her cabin.

"Chlo!" Chloe turned her head to see her brother behind her. He was jogging towards her. She smiled and turned around.

"What's up?" Chloe asked her brother as he slowed down. Kurt sighed and looked around.

"Have you seen Maddy anywhere? She has all of my keys, and she is yet to come back with them." Kurt said annoyed. Chloe shrugged her shoulders, not knowing where her future sister in law was.

"I haven't seen her. I think she's doing color war." Chloe said, knowing damn right that she was not doing what she was supposed to do.

"Alright, I have business to take care of. So if you see her, tell her I want my keys back." Kurt said patting her arm. Chloe nodded her head. "And can you check on color war for me?" Kurt asked her. She nodded her head again.

"Of course." She said before walking away.

She walked into the woods as she took out a small flashlight she kept in her pocket. She lit it and started to look around. She didn't see anyone around in the forest as she walked.

Nick's voice echoed in her head as he spoke so harshly to her. Chloe's breathed hitched as she thought of it. She never saw Nick so harsh like that, especially with her.

Chloe and Nick were known as the perfect couple. They were "made" for each other as their families said. But Nick never felt that way, he just felt it was forced.

Chloe did love Nick, she truly did. But ever since Nick met Ziggy, there was something unsettling. It was the little things. He'd drop her hand when he saw Ziggy, he wouldn't look at her, his eyes were always on Ziggy.

Chloe never thought she could be jealous of such "Shadyside trash", but she was. She was jealous of the rebellious red head who was always causing something.

Chloe looked up at the sky, but felt her foot trip. She felt over and groaned. "Shit!" Chloe exclaimed with frustration in her voice. She looked at her hands which were blood soaked and gasped.

At first she thought she cut her hands, but then she looked at what she was on.

That blood certainly was not hers.

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