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"Let her down, Will! Or swear to God I'll tell Mom!"

"Will, what the hell are you doing?"

Maddison and Nicholas Goode were a set of twins. They looked alike, like how normally twins are. Nick was older than Maddy by one whole hour, but he acted like he was one whole year older than her.

The two were yelling at their brother who was currently hanging a red headed girl named Ziggy by her wrists, and holding her legs while another girl burnt her arm. That certain girl was also Maddy's responsibility because Ziggy was a camper in her cabin.

That certain redhead was Ziggy Berman, a girl in which Nick had a crush on. But of course, Nick had his life planned out. If his mother's plan went correctly, he'd marry a Sunnyvale girl by the name of Chloe Banks, it wasn't arranged, but she wanted the two to marry.

Chloe Banks was a 15 year old Sunnyvaler, she was a CIT at Camp Nightwing. She really, really liked Nick, but he never really loved Chloe, he was just with her. Chloe didn't know that, she was clueless.

Her brother was Kurt Banks. He was the lead counselor at camp Nightwing. The Banks and the Goodes have known each other for a long time. Both families knew that if Chloe and Nick married, they'd be very, very powerful.

Unlike her brother, Maddison hadn't dated anyone. The girl was 17 and she never liked a boy. She tried to, but she never was able to click with her. So At first, Maddy really didn't like boys currently. But when she set eyes on a certain girl who was a year older than her. She was Cindy Berman, Ziggy's sister. She knew she was out of Cindy's league, so she stuck alone and single.

When she came out to her parents as a Lesbian, they did a lot of shit. It was fucked, and it put a lot on Maddy.

Will let go of the rope, making Ziggy fall to the ground. Maddy extended her hand to the red headed girl, and Ziggy only stared at it as her nose kept bleeding. She got up by herself and Maddy sighed. She clasped her hands together with a nod. "Okay, then." Maddy said as she walked over to her twin.

"Alright, what happened?" Kurt Banks asked as he paced in front of the group of Sunnyvalers and the one Shadysider. He twirled his whistle in his fingers as he did so. The Sunnyvalers grouped together. Ziggy stood alone, but near the Goode twins.

"I went back to my cabin, the door was open. And the next thing I knew all my money was gone and Ziggy was just sprinting away." A girl named Sheila said. She was the one who burnt Ziggy's arm. Maddy didn't know why she burnt Ziggy's arm, and she couldn't even take a guess.

"Because you were chasing me." Ziggy exclaimed. Kurt stopped his pace to look at Ziggy.

"Ziggy! You talk when I tell you to talk." Kurt said as Maddy crossed her arms as she rocked back and forth on her feet.

"Did you see her take it?" Nick asked as he crossed his arms. Maddy looked at her younger brother with a raised eyebrow.

"Everyone did." Will said and Maddy looked at her eldest brother.

"Everyone." The girls repeated. Maddy scratched the back of her neck awkwardly as they spoke.

"Alright. Well, that's it, Berman. Five strikes. You're out." Kurt said clapping his hands together. He pointed at Ziggy as Ziggy had looks to argue. Maddy went to step in, but Ziggy held her own.

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