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After the a while both Will and Ashyln left. That left Caroline alone in the room. Her knees were to her chest as she watched the movie Clueless.

From beside her, she heard her pager beeping. She grabbed it from the table and read it.

Everything okay?

Caroline typed back in it as she laid down and turned onto her side.


She answered as she looked back at the movie on the screen. The teenager laid her head back on her pillow as she watched the show. She was bored senseless.

After around 10 more minutes she got up. She put on the shoes that she was wearing the previous night and snuck to Sam's room. She wasn't supposed to leave her room unless it was an emergency.

"Alright, I'm going to the OR room." Said her doctor as he put his clipboard on his side.

"I'm with the old man upstairs, now. I'll see you." The other said before the two walked away. Caroline waited around 5 more minutes, then snuck to Sam's room.

She opened the door. Sam gasped of shock when she did. When she walked in, she gave a wave. Peter was sitting there as well. "Visiting hours are over." Caroline said as Peter flipped her off.

"You trying to get out of this shithole to?" Peter asked Caroline as she sat on the edge of Sam's bed. Caroline shook her head no.

"I get discharged tomorrow morning if they see nothing wrong." Caroline told him as she looked at Sam who was staring at her jello again.

"Your room is weird, I've got a door and everything. You've just got curtains." Caroline said looking around Sam's room. Sam smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Which is exactly why I'm getting her ass hauled out of here." Peter told Caroline. Caroline shrugged and he stood up. "I'll be back." Peter said, walking away.

"Jeez, you don't have a TV. Shadyside hospitals suck." Caroline said as Sam tried to eat her jello again. Sam felt disgusted by it, she didn't know why. But she just didn't want to eat, especially after she puked blood.

"You feelin' ok?" Caroline asked in concern for her best friend. Sam slowly nodded and looked up at Caroline.

"How about you, are you feeling ok?" Sam asked her just as concerned as Caroline.

"Yeah, I'm good." Caroline said nonchalantly. She crossed her legs and leaned on her arms.

"Cute sweatshirt." Said a voice. "Hey Caroline when is that sweatshirt from, freshman year?" Caroline looked down at her sweatshirt, which was a Track hoodie from her freshman year..

The two girls gasped and turned their heads. They saw Deena, the last person they wanted to see.

"Oh fuck you, Deena." Caroline said as she shook her head. She'd been waiting 4 years to say that to her, and she finally did. And to be honest, it felt fucking great.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked as she put her jello down. It was no secret that she was frustrated at Deena, and she had every right to be.

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