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"We're all gonna fucking die, man." Caroline said as her and Simon walked into the woods. They had headlights on their heads as they did so. Caroline looked behind her back to see everyone else walking behind.

"Don't say that, Carol. I'm freaked out enough." Simon said as his voice shaken up. Caroline took the gun from her pocket and Simon looked at her.

"You brought the fucking gun?" Simon asked as Caroline looked at it.

"Of course I brought the fucking gun!" Caroline whisper yelled at him. She put it back in her pocket and looked around.

When they were in the woods, they saw the car. Everyone walked near the red car. "This is an expensive ass car." Caroline said hitting the trunk. She hopped up on it and sat down.

"Ok, so I fell out of the" Sam said dropping herself to the ground. Caroline watched as she started to crawl. "I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding." Sam said as she dug her hand into the ground.


Caroline jumped slightly and turned, but nobody was there. She let out a shaky breath and looked down.

"And then..." Sam trailed off. Metal clinking was heard and Caroline got off of the car. She walked over next to Simon as Sam felt the metal. "I feel something." Sam said, starting to pull something out. It was a bunch of chains.

"Chains?" Kate asked. Caroline nodded and looked at them.

"That's what it looks like." Caroline said as Sam gave one final tug. The changing came out and everyone saw something.

A skull.

"Oh my gosh." Caroline said covering her mouth. It was Sarah Fiers. She tried to convince herself it was the mask Peter and the jock were wearing, but it wasn't. It was a skull.

Caroline felt her nose begin to bleed again and she stood up. "Shit!" She whispered as she held her nose.

"Fier. It's her." Josh said holding the lock. It had the last name carved into it. "It's her grave." Josh said, looking up at everyone. Caroline felt her blood go down her lips. She wiped it away and sighed.

"Oh, no, no, no. This is bad. This is really bad!" Simon said stressed. Caroline wiped the blood into her hoodie as it slowly started to stop.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave." Kate said looking up at Sam. Sam looked away  and up at Caroline.

"Oh, and now she's sending her henchmen after us." Josh whispered and everyone furrowed their eyebrows.

"Henchmen? As in every one of those sickos on your wall is going to be coming after us?"  Kate asked. Josh looked at the lock and dropped it back down.

There was so much silence, and finally a snap was heard. "Did you hear that?" Caroline asked searching around for the source of the twig.

"Hold up, hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?" Simon asked them all.

"Yeah. So?" Deena asked him and Simon nodded his head.

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