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Eventually, my mom meets this guy named Mike, but i remember him as the guy who taught me how to make deer meat. He was another good guy until he accused my mom of cheating on him because he let one of his girl friends pr who ever get into his head. which i think is sad and pathetic, and he just wanted an excuse to leave the relationship because he was the one cheating. She got over him after a few months and then didn't date again for a while which i mean isnt a bad thing, she went onto a few dates, but they never stuck around long enough to remember any of their names. Now, i mean Mike wasn't all that bad up until that moment. He was nice and helpful; He came over a few times to hang out and he would eat my weird creations that i would make in that easy bake oven thing if you remember from the early 2000s, He was a nice guy up until that point he accused my mom of cheating and he never tried to fix anything between them, so it was done and over with. we ended up moving again because my mom didn't want him to come back and try something or whatever. We found this cool apartment complex, with a nice little neighborhood and a cool pool and a forest surrounding it. I ended up meeting a good friend that i used to have their name, Aaron. God, i think i had the biggest crush on him for the 3 years i lived there. We became really good friends and i was friends with his friends and they were friends with my friends. I mean, we literally did almost everything together even though they were all a few years older than me. I think of them from time to time, but i dont have their numbers anymore, so yea. 

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