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Pedri González (@pedri) has requested to follow you.

I look at my phone before immediately declining the request, seconds later him requesting me again. "Hey Bianca." Beau says as she walks through the door as I decline it once again.

"Hi Beau." I say as I look at her and she gives me a look before she sits down across from me at the table and I close my laptop along with setting my pen down.

"What's up?" I question as she purses her lips.

"So funny story," she begins as I look at my phone, declining the follow request once again. "I was at their house after the date, and then we ended up kissing which was cool. But it's really funny because they said something about them playing United and they kind of found out about Rey." She rambles.

"That's fine." I say as she gives me a look.

"What?" She questions.

"I mean they would've found out eventually, so it's not that big of a deal." I shrug as she shakes her head.

"I don't think you heard me Bee," she says, "they found out about your brother. The same brother you hate, and haven't talked to in 4 years."

"Yeah I heard you, and I don't care if they know. They know why I don't like football players now, so maybe they'll stop bugging me about it." I smile as my phone buzzes again, the same notification that's popped up multiple times already.

"Who is that?" She questions.

"Pedri keeps trying to follow me, and he won't take me denying it as an answer I guess." I say as I just leave it in my requests this time.

"Yeah well he's probably trying to apologize." She suggests as I open my laptop again, pulling my notes back up.

"Well he was also being rude when he was trying to guess why I don't like football players, and then he told me it made sense it wasn't about dating because I wouldn't be able to attract any football players." I say as I pick my pen up, and I glance at her quick.

"He said that?" She whispers as I nod.

"Yeah but I don't care what he thinks, he's as shallow as they come so I'm not bothered by it." I shrug as I divert my attention back to my notes and she sighs.

"Are we still going to the game tomorrow? Or does them knowing change your mind?"

"I don't care that they know." I mumble as I look at her quick, "and sure we can go."


I nod, "you got to go give Alejandro some goodluck." I say as I look at her and she covers her face with her hands. "But no, if you're happy then I'm happy, so go for it at this point and whatever happens happens."

"We're going to go out again at some point, but he said that I need to let him know if I'm going so he can play even better than normal, how cute is that?" She questions.

"The cutest." I gasp as I begin copying a diagram.

"It's so funny how when you're studying you kind of agree with anything I say." She says as I nod.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now