thirty two

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"What is your problem? You're acting all jumpy." I say to Pedri as I park the car.

"I'm nervous for some reason." He mumbles as I unbuckle my seatbelt, giving him a look.

"Why are you nervous? It's not like we're dating so there's no reason to be nervous." I suggest as he leans his head back against the seat.

"We will probably be dating at some point though, so I feel like I need to make some type of good impression." He says as I shrug.

"I don't know what you want me to say about it, you're nervous for no reason dude." I say as I get out of the car.

"Yeah I know." He mumbles as we begin going inside.

I go over to my mom once we get inside, giving her a hug. "Mom, this is my friend Pedri, Pedri this is my mom Nina."

"Nice to meet you." He smiles as he shakes her hand, and she returns the smile.

"Nice to meet you as well." She says as she quickly gives me a look, raising her eyebrows as I quickly look at her seat and she chuckles before sitting down. I sit in the booth next to Pedri as my mom looks back and forth between us, "you look so familiar." She says as she narrows her eyes at him.

"He plays with Barcelona actually, you probably have seen him there." I suggest as she clicks her tongue.

"That's definitely it." She nods as Pedri gives me a look, and I just shrug. "So then are you friends with that boy Beau is seeing? Alejandro I think?"

"Yes we live together actually, he's a good guy and they seem to be getting on well so it's nice to see things like that working out." He explains as she smiles.

"That's good to hear, her mom and I were trying to get a better picture of him after we met, but he does seem like a good kid." She says as I look at the menu.

"He really is." Pedri says as he looks at the menu in my hands and I hand it to him after I figure out what I want.

We sit in silence until our waiter takes our order and once he walks away my mom gives me a look, "so you two are just friends? Or beau was hinting at something more it seems."

"Just friends." I respond as she barely nods her head, "we are." I frown as I can see Pedri nodding out of the corner of my eye.

"Just friends." Pedri confirms as I take a deep breath.

Me saying just friends is one thing, but when it comes out of his mouth all I can think about is Beau trying to prove me wrong. And him saying that is what proves me wrong, and her right.

But we both want to be friends. So I shouldn't even care that he agreed with me.

But I definitely do care.

I cross my arms and scoot away from Pedri slightly but he immediately reaches under the table, putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing so I stop moving away from him. "Stop." Pedri says lowly as I tense, shifting in my seat as I push his hand away from my leg.

"No Eva tonight?" I ask as I divert my attention to my mom and she shakes her head.

"Beau came to dinner last night with us and she mentioned a little something about a fight between you two," she begins as I sigh, "and Eva is out tonight with Beau again, but I won't pry."

I hear Pedri scoff before my mom gives him a look and he just clears his throat, "sorry." He says quietly as my mom waves her hand, brushing it off.

"I know Beau is full of shit, it's okay." She smiles as Pedri fights back a laugh.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now