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Since I'll be gone for a bit, I figure I'll give this chapter that I had prewritten. Taking care of myself comes first, but I'll try to force myself to get back into writing it

"Bee?" Beau asks as she knocks on my door and I roll over, pulling the blankets over my head.

"What?" I mumble.

"You haven't been to class in 5 days, are you okay?" She questions quietly as she sits on the bed, pulling the blanket down off my face.

"I'm sick I think." I say as she shakes her head.

"What happened while you were at their house? I went there with Ale after you left and the Pablo's said you got in an argument with Pedri." She says as she feels my forehead with the back of her hand.

"Yeah it's fine, I'm just sick." I say as I wrap the blanket around myself tighter.

"And while sick you can't respond to anyone? Everyone has been texting you." She says as I shake my head.

"I'm tired Beau, I don't want to talk right now." I whisper as she sighs, standing up and going over to my door.

"One thing some shitty guy says to you shouldn't impact you to the point you don't leave your room for 5 days." She says as she opens the door, "I know you act all tough all of the time, and you are, but he's winning by getting under your skin. Don't let him win." She adds.

"Happy birthday." I say quietly as she nods.

"Come out with us please, we miss you. I especially do, and we've celebrated every year together since we were 1, please come." She whispers. "In two hours we're leaving from the guys' house."

"I'll let you know." I say quietly as she sighs before walking out of my room.

I roll over and look at the clock, it's already 7pm and I haven't left my bed yet. To be fair I haven't really left my bed much in the past 5 days. In the moment when I get into an argument with Pedri it doesn't seem that bad, but when I'm alone it all hits me, everything he says.

The whole Rey thing doesn't bother me that much anymore, because I kind of do my best to block all of it out, and it's been used against me for years. Him saying stuff about my personality and how unlikable I am is a different story though.

I know he's just saying dumb shit to get a rise out of me, and clearly it's working, but something about it feels worse compared to other people who say it. Maybe I subconsciously care what he thinks because Gavi and Pablo try to always tell me he thinks about me, so maybe that has something to do with it.

But tonight if I go out, and if he happens to be there, he doesn't deserve my attention. As far as I'm concerned he doesn't exist to me, he always apologizes for it and then the next day he acts completely different.

I'm sick of it.

Maybe some alcohol in my system will make things easier. Some liquid courage to face everyone after disappearing for 5 days, that certainly sounds like the best option.


I take a deep breath and pull the bottom of my dress down slightly as I knock on the front door.

Why did I knock? They told me I should just walk in when I come to the house. But last time I was here I got kicked out, so that already gives me a bad feeling about being here. I should definitely leave.

Before I can decide what to do the door opens up as everyone is at the door, clearly about to leave. "Hey." Pablo mutters as he goes down the steps to his car.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now