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Ansu Fati (@ansufati) has requested to follow you.

GAVI (@pablogavi) has requested to follow you.

ALEJANDRO BALDE (@alejandrobalde) has requested to follow you.

"Bee holy shit, why are they all trying to follow you?" Beau asks as she's looking at my phone, watching the notifications pop up.

"All but Pedri." I mumble as she shakes her head just staring at my phone.

"You are living like every girls dream right now, and you just don't care one bit." She says as I grab my phone, looking at the notifications.

"Pablo said they were going to try to follow me, but I don't care." I say as I decline them all and she gives me a look.

"You did not just do that." She says as she leans across the table looking at my phone.

"Beau I just don't want to be involved in anything. I like things lowkey and you know that, so I'm not interested in them suddenly trying to follow me." I say as she leans back in her seat, crossing her arms.

"Alejandro followed me earlier today, I guess I left my purse at their house and he went in my wallet and found my ID, and then found my account. He's a good guy." She says as I smile slightly.

Just like I told Pablo to do.

"Part time footballer, part time thief, what else should we know about him?" I joke as she rolls her eyes, going on her laptop.

"Alejandro Balde." She whispers to herself as she looks types his name in google and I go sit next to her as I cross my legs, staring at the screen.

"He has really good style actually." I say as she's clicking through photos of him.

"He's cute." She says as she is now looking at his Instagram and I go on my phone, going into my dms.


Can we head over in
like 15 maybe?

Yeah you can send your
friend over in 15

Yeah we will head
over there in 15

Yeah your friend will
be on her way in 15

Funny guy huh

My friends are mad that
you declined their follow
requests, 'not nice of her'

Damn that's too bad, I think
I clicked the wrong one, tell
them to request me again

Okay they just did

Who is Pedri closest with?




All of them follow me
but not Gavi since he's
close to Pedri!

Oh so you can hold
grudges too?

He was rude to me

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now