forty two

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(From The Wolf of Wall Street)

"Hello?" I ask as I pick up a call from Pedri.

"Can I come over and then we can get ready at your place? Everyone else is getting ready here." He asks as I plug in my flat iron.

"Yeah you can, I'll be in my bathroom doing my hair, so whenever you get here you can just come in." I say as I put the phone on speaker, setting it on the counter.

"Did you end up finding everything you needed?" He questions as I hear his keys in the background.

"Yep, my dress was the hardest to find, but I got something that's almost identical so it works perfect." I say as I begin separating my hair into sections to make it easier to straighten.

"Okay good, I'm heading out now if there's anything you need me to pick up."

"No I'm good, don't forget your sunglasses though." I say as I hear him laugh. "Oh and if you have a gold watch wear it on your left wrist, otherwise a silver one would be fine."

"I'm already wearing them, I had a pair that were really similar so it's all good." He says as I spray my hair with heat protectant. "And I'll grab a watch quick."

"Okay sounds good, see you soon." I say as he hums quickly before I hang up the phone.

I sit in the counter and scoot closer to the mirror as I pull up a reference picture, doing simple eye makeup to match it. After about 15 minutes I hear the front door open and then footsteps coming down the hallway, before he comes into the bathroom. "Hey." He says as I finish my eye makeup, turning to look at him.

"Your clothes are on my bed if you want to change." I suggest as he nods before walking out of the bathroom. I section my hair and begin to straighten it as he comes back in the bathroom and I look in the mirror at him as I whistle.

"You like it?" He asks as he puts his sunglasses on and I nod as he sits on the counter, looking at me, "I like your hair better curly you know." He adds quietly.

"I do too, but it's just one night for the costume so it's okay." I insist as he frowns slightly, "do you know what anyone else is going as? Did anyone slip up?"

"Nope, but I think Beau and Ale aren't going anymore actually." He says as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why not?"

"Ale wasn't feeling good during training so they may skip it, or show up for only a little bit." He says as I nod.

After I straighten my hair I lightly curl the bottom of it and I look at Pedri as he watches me, "isn't this boring for you?"

He shakes his head no, "I'm wrapped around your finger, I could watch you for hours, Bianca." He says quietly.

I smile as I set the flat iron down, unplugging it as I move so I'm standing in between his legs, "I love you." I whisper as he cups my face.

"I love you." He says quietly as he gives me a quick kiss, "now go get dressed so I can see you." He adds as I roll my eyes, going into my room.

I go in my closet, taking out the bluish teal dress with a cut out in the front and I quickly put it on as I fix the back of it. I then go to my vanity and put on gold hoops and a bracelet that seems close enough and Pedri walks out of the bathroom, looking at me, "and I thought you looked good when we were at the club." He says quietly as he comes over to me, resting his hands on my hips.

"You think I look good?" I ask as he nods, giving me a kiss.

"That's definitely your color." He whispers as I smile into the kiss. I begin unbuttoning his shirt as he rests his forehead against mine, repeatedly kissing me as I smile. "Why'd you stop?" He asks as I stop unbuttoning his shirt, only 3 buttons remaining to undo.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now