twenty five

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"Here I got you a drink." Beau says as she sits in the seat next to me, handing me a water as I smile.

"Thank you." I respond as I'm staring at the pitch and Pedri begins going down the sideline in our direction.

"I think that's for you." Beau chuckles as Pedri is now standing at the railing, leaning against it as he's waving me over to him. I get up and go down the steps, leaning against the railing next to him.

"What?" I question and he looks behind him at the Manchester side warming up.

"What number is he?" He questions as I furrow my eyebrows together.

"You know who he is, you should know what he looks like." I say as he shakes his head. 

"What's his kit number?" He asks again as I sigh.

"31." I respond as he turns, looking at me again.


"Pedri you have to get ready." I say as he shakes his head no.

"Why is he 31?"

"Why are you so nosy? You need to get ready for the match." I say as I push his shoulder back and he's still just waiting for an answer as I roll my eyes, "it was my childhood number so when he went to Manchester United he pulled some strings to get 31. And I guess since he became so well known after winning golden boy a few years ago, he became more popular for 31 and he stuck with it."

"Okay that's what I figured." He says as he taps the railing, taking a few steps back.

"That was it, seriously?" I question as he nods.

"I have to go get changed." He smiles as he points behind himself and I roll my eyes.

"I hate you." I mumble as I turn around, beginning to walk up the steps.

"More than you know!" He calls out as I go back over to beau and she looks up from her phone.

"What was that about?" She questions as I cross my arms.

"He's asking dumb questions, that's what it was about." I scoff as she shrugs.

"He probably likes you, you know that, right?" She asks as I shake my head no.

"No I don't think so." I deny as she raises her eyebrows slightly.

"Mhmm." She hums as I cross my arms, pulling out my phone and going on Instagram, seeing I have a new follow request from about an hour ago.


Thomas Reyes (@thomasreyes) has requested to follow you.

I lean over and show my phone to beau and she scoffs, "when did he even unfollow you? Sure you didn't talk, but he at least still followed you." She says as I shrug, quickly accepting the follow request as she gives me a look. "Really?"

"What if he wants to apologize? He's in Barcelona anyways, and maybe he even saw me and realized I'm still his family no matter what." I shrug as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"I love you, Bee." She whispers as I give her a look.

"Why are you being overly nice?" I question.

"Because it makes me feel better saying you're absolutely crazy if you think he's going to apologize now after 5 years. Your dad and Rey made their decisions a long time ago, and since then you've been ignoring the fact that they absolutely fucked everything up for you." She says as I sigh, slouching down in my seat.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now