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"Sorry for being late." Beau says as we immediately go find the table that our moms are sitting at.

"That's okay." Beaus mom, Eva, says with a smile as I give her a quick hug before hugging my mom.

"How did the test go?" My mom asks as she pulls away from the hug, sitting down.

"She got an A." Beau says proudly as I smile, shrugging slightly.

"I got an A." I say this time as Eva claps quietly.

"Good job." My mom smiles as she rubs my back gently before I open the menu.

"Beau has a date sometime soon." I say as Beau covers her face with her hands.

"Why?" She whispers as I smile.

"Because last week you told them about me going to a party." I say as she shakes her head.

"Yeah because in my defense you didn't invite me." She mumbles.

"Do we know the boy?" Eva asks as Beau raises her eyebrows slightly, clearly debating what she should say.

"I wouldn't even call it a date. We're getting coffee, that's it." She says as my mom smiles.

"I feel like thats a date." My mom says as she reaches across the table, tapping Beau's arm.

"Nina, it's not a date. I don't really even know him that well." Beau tells my mom as she shakes her head.

"You go on dates to get to know someone better, so I think it's a date." My mom smiles as Eva nods in agreement.

"His name is Alejandro." I say as Beau kicks me from under the table.

"Bianca is talking to someone named Pablo." Beau says as I begin laughing.

"We're not talking." I say as she shrugs. "We're not talking." I mumble this time as she gives me a mocking look.

"They're talking." Beau whispers as I cross my arms.

"Let's talk about something else." I say as I feel my phone buzz and I look at it quickly, a dm from Pablo.

"Fine we can talk about something else, we may go to the Barcelona game on Saturday." Beau says switching the topic.

"Oh really?" My mom asks as I flip my phone back over against the table and I shrug.

"Yeah, we may as well go to at least one game I guess, we live in Barcelona anyways." I mumble.

"Well I think it's good, I feel like you miss watching football deep down." Eva says as I take a deep breath.

"It's always been a big part of your life, Bee. It doesn't matter what happened." Beau says quietly as I shake my head.

"It's fine, it's been 4 years, it doesn't matter anymore." I shrug as they all exchange a look.

"You know what, that's what I'd say if it wasn't fine even after 4 years." Beau jokes as I shake my head.

"No you know what, we're going to the game, I don't care." I say as I set the menu down.

"Great, I can't wait." Beau says as she copies my actions, setting the menu down.

"It's okay to be bothered by it still." Eva says sympathetically as I lean back in my seat.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I mumble as I stand up, making my way towards the hallway with the bathroom and I go in, locking the stall behind me.

I pull out my phone and I go on Instagram, seeing the dm from Pablo and I click on it, quickly reading it.

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