twenty nine

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"Can we talk for a second?" Beau asks as I walk in the apartment, immediately setting my backpack down as I sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"What's up?" I question as I go into the kitchen, going in the fridge and grabbing a coffee I made earlier that day.

"When I was at their house earlier Gavi mentioned something about Pedri," She begins as she watches me for some sort of expression change and I purse my lips, "are you seeing him?"

I shrug as I lean against the counter, "it's kind of complicated." I mumble as she gives me a look.

"So you no longer hate him? That's what I'm taking from it at least." She suggests as I shrug, taking a sip of my coffee.

"I don't know, we both like each other I guess, but not at the level of wanting to date yet." I say as she sits on one of the stools.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She questions as I set my cup down, crossing my arms.

"Because you'd get all protective." I say as she gives me a look, "don't even try to deny it either, you would get protective."

"Because I care about you, that's not bad, is it?" She asks.

"No it's not bad, I'm just saying you'd try to talk me out of it." I suggest as she rolls her eyes.

"Bianca I have no say in what you choose to do, you're smart enough to make your own decisions for yourself." She says as she stands up, "but don't be naive." She adds before she grabs her keys.

"How am I being naive?" I question as she scoffs.

"Do I really need to answer that? Look what happened with Rey like two days ago, you don't have a great track record for making decisions regarding other people." She says as I shake my head.

"What did you just say?" I ask as she sighs.

"Do you really think he's all of a sudden just super into you? He wants one thing from you and I don't know why you're playing dumb about it." She says.

"Well he stuck around after the first time." I shrug as she gives me a look.

"Oh my bad, guess he's a total saint now that he likes you." She mutters as I sigh.

"Why are you acting like it's impossible for someone to like me? So what if he's deciding to change, if anything that's him maturing." I say.

"That's a good one." She scoffs.

"When did you decide to think you know what's going on? You have no idea what my relationship with him is like, so you have no room to judge." I remark as she raises her eyebrows.

"Because I know you, and I know him. In no world do you two mix, that's just not how that works Bianca. You are two completely different people." She says as I roll my eyes.

"You can't even say anything, you started dating Alejandro after like three weeks of knowing each other, you aren't some relationship expert."

"And look how good it's going, that's not even a valid argument. I'm just saying you aren't too good at making decisions, and I'm sure most people would agree." She says.

"I don't pick who I start falling in love with, you do realize that, right? I could be like you with every other guy in your past and just ignore any feelings you have for them, maybe that'd be something you'd finally agree with me on." I remark as she nods slightly.

"Okay." She says simply as she goes to the front door, opening it up and I sigh, "when he realizes he doesn't actually care about you don't throw yourself a pity party because it's not looking good right now. It'll be a big I told you so, just like with Rey." She adds as she walks out, slamming the door behind her as I stand there, staring at the counter.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now