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Are you coming to the game
today with Beau

Yeah, who do you play


Okay I'll wear a Girona jersey

We're not your brother

Well that's good for you


What's up

I'm sorry for what Pedri
said yesterday, but we're
not all like him either

I'm really not a fan of him

You don't like him even
more? Is that possible

He said I give him dumb
blonde vibes yesterday

Oh yikes

Kind of funny though

So come to the game then

I was already planning on it

Supporting the wrong team

Hey it is what it is

You should give us a chance

Why's that

Well because Ale and Beau
are getting pretty close

That's great for them

So why not like be friends
with us as well while they
start hanging out more

You're very persistent you
know that?

Thank you!

Not a good thing

I beg to differ
Want a jersey




Beau is picking one up so
one of us will give her one
to bring for you

How much do you think
I can sell it for?

Well it depends on who's it is

Give me the one that will sell
for the most, I have to pay for
university somehow

The hustle is real

I'm a business woman what
can I say

Dabble in theft and and a
business woman, what a
combination that is

What can I say, I'm genius

What do you study at uni

Human services


falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now