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Hey Bonca

It's crazy cause I don't remember
actually giving you permission to
call me that

No I remember it

What do you want

Your friend is on a date
right now with my friend

No way


Yeah I know
She's not calling it a date though

Since they're on a not date
let's also go on a not date


Well okay, do you want to
come over?



Sorry as fun as it sounds, I'll
spare the awkward wHaT aRe
YoU dOiNg HeRe

Pedri's not here

Should've started the conversation
with that then, geez Pabro

Do you have class today?

Not until 3

Okay okay, do you want to come
meet the other guys then?

Wait are we friends yet?

Yes, I think
Do you want to be friends?


You set me up for that

You just got ✨bonked✨

I got bonked

Is that good? Should I make that
my catchphrase or something?


Thank you Pabro

Make like a prank show or
something and you can call
it bonked

Dude you're built genius

You think?


I got bonked again

You did!

Bonca, come over

Pabro, you're literally obsessed
with me it's crazy

I didn't say that

My mom used to tell me that men would
one day like my personality, only took a
good 19 years for that to happen!

You're 19?

You are 20!

Did your research?

Yeah besides the fact you don't dabble
in theft I had to figure out what I was
getting myself into

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now