thirty eight

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"Hey, look at me." Pedri says as I pull away from the hug, standing there as he cups my face. "I have to go talk to Xavi quick, okay? Stay here and I'll be back in a minute." He adds as I nod.

He walks off and I look down, where he's slightly limping from Thomas stepping on his foot. I turn to look at Beau and she's standing there with her arms crossed, a frown plastered on her face. "You can have Pedri stay in our room tonight, I'll try to go stay with Ale." She suggests as I nod slightly.

"Okay." I whisper as she comes over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm proud of you for confronting him, I'm just sorry for how it went." She says as I nod.

"Me too." I mumble as she wipes her thumb over my cheek, wiping away my tears.

"Where is he?" Gavi says as he comes over to us.

"Talking to Xavi." I say as he immediately shakes his head.

"Not Pedri, Rey." He says as he's looking over where we were just talking and I frown.

"I think he left." Beau says as Gavi looks at me before he shakes his head again, tensing his jaw.

"I'll be back." He mumbles as he begins going that way and I give Beau a look as she shrugs.

"Gavi don't do anything dumb!" Pablo calls out as he walks out of the back doors and Gavi flashes him a smile quickly before he goes looking around. "Pedri is grabbing his bag because he forgot one inside, but he told me to tell you he got the okay to ride back with you."

"Thanks." I say quietly as he nods, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"I'm sorry about it all." He says quietly as he rubs my back and I feel my eyes begin to water again.

"Trust me, I want to kill him too but you're not doing anything dumb." I hear Pedri say as he's pulling Gavi's arm, Gavi trailing behind him with a frown.

"I just wanted to have a word with him." Gavi mutters as Pedri let's go of his arm and I quickly wipe my eyes again.

"It's fine guys, he's gone, it's done." I say as they all exchange a look before looking back at me.

"Bianca." Pablo trails off as I shake my head.

"Nope it's fine, you two have to get on the bus." I say as I point behind them where everyone is trickling out of the stadium, getting on the bus, "and then maybe when we're at the hotel we can do something." I suggest.

"Okay that works, see you later potentially." Gavi says as he pats my shoulder quickly before him and Pablo go over to the bus.

I turn to Pedri and he gives me a look as I nod and Beau checks her phone. "The Uber will be here in a minute or so." She says as she looks up.

"Sounds good." I whisper as Pedri comes closer to me, and I lean my head against his shoulder as we stand there in silence waiting for the Uber.

After it gets to the stadium we begin making our way back to the hotel and my phone buzzes as I look at it, seeing a text from my dad, but I don't bother reading it right now. The hotel was about 10 minutes away and none of us said a word the whole way there, but it's half my fault because I don't think either of them know what to say to me at this point.

"Are you coming to my room?" I ask Pedri as he nods.

"I'll get the Pablo's to cover for me if anything happens." He says as I smile slightly, grabbing out the key card as we go to the elevator.

"I'll just change quick and then I'll go to Ale's room." Beau says as I nod.

"Yeah that works." I say as I press the 12 and Pedri reaches forward, pressing the 9.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now