twenty two

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"It's unlocked Beau!" I call out after there's a knock on the door. I set my pen down as Pedri walks through the front door and I furrow my eyebrows. "How do you know where I live?" I question.

"Gavi told me." He says as he has a bag of food, setting it down on the table. "And I figured you'd be hungry after your lab, and since you wouldn't come over I thought I'd come to you." He adds as I smile, shutting my sociology workbook.

"You really are a changed guy aren't you?" I question as he shrugs, sitting down across from me as I move my workbook onto one of the empty chairs and I stand up, going in the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask.

"I have my water so I'm good, thanks though." He says as I nod, grabbing myself a cup and filling it with water, "we need forks by the way, I didn't think to grab any." He adds as I open a drawer, grabbing two forks.

I go back over to the table and hand him a fork as he hands me a takeout box, and I open it, "Beau told me what restaurant you like, and what you get." He says as he nudges his head at the food.

"Thank you." I whisper as he nods, beginning to eat and I do the same thing.

"How was your lab?" He questions as I take a sip of my water.

"Good, we did a report today from an experiment we did last week with sleep and driving." I say as he gives me a look, clearly a little confused, "basically people volunteered and each person got a different number for how long they were able to sleep and then they took a drivers test in a controlled setting. Basically just seeing how sleep deprivation effects their abilities." I explain as he smiles.

"Do you normally do that?" He questions as I draw my eyebrows together, setting my fork down.

"Do what?" I frown as he chuckles.

"I don't know, when you were explaining it you just got really into it I guess. You talk with your hands quite a bit." He shrugs as I purse my lips, "it's cute though, it shows you're passionate for what you're talking about and that's important."

"I guess I probably do, I haven't really noticed it before though." I say as he smiles.

"It's cute." He says quietly as we continue eating. After about 15 minutes we finish eating and we throw away our trash before I stretch my arms back.

"I need to go change, you can come with." I say as he smiles, "actually no, stay here."

I walk down the hallway to my room and I go in, going to my closet, finding a pair of shorts and quickly replacing my jeans with them as I walk out of the closet, typing the strings on them. "Cute room." Pedri says as he's sitting on my bed.

"I said stay there." I mumble as he shrugs.

"You said come with first, so I did." He scoffs as he begins looking around, "plus you've seen my room so it's only fair I get to see yours." He adds as he goes over to the wall, looking at some of the pictures hanging up.

"Yeah sure, whatever." I mumble as I go in the bathroom, putting my hair up as I turn to look at him, staring at one photo on the wall.

"How old were you in this?" He asks as I go next to him, looking at the photo hanging.

"14." I reply simply as he looks at me.

"Before he left?" He questions as I nod. "Why's it still up?"

"Because he's still my brother. I guess part of me hates him, but I also like to think he'll apologize one day for leaving." I say as he turns, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispers as I wrap my arms around him.

"It's okay, it's not like you left my family." I joke as I hear him chuckle before I pull away from the hug looking up at him.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now