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Can I have your number yet

Mmmm no not yet




You know it's not hard to ask
the Pablo's for my number

I didn't think about that

Skill issue to be fair

Are you coming over today?

I have class until 6:50


Yeah you're telling me

Why are you so studious

Did you look that word up?

'Words to describe a student'

You're funny for that to be fair

Not as funny as you

You're trying to get on my good
side, aren't you?

Am I on it yet?

Getting there

It's been 3 days since you've
been in my bed, and 3 days
since we've talked properly

We talked last night when I
was there, what do you mean

We talked for a whole 2 minutes

Well yeah because I was spending
time with the Pablo's

Well don't do that
Spend time with me

If I'm there, they expect I'm there
for them, so good luck with that

I'll kick them out of the house

So you bully them

They're used to it by now

Are you toxic Pedri?

Well you can find out

That's a bit weird

So that's a no?

Let's clarify I slept in your bed

Yeah you slept with me

Well no I don't want people
to like see these dms and be
like oh snap

Who says oh snap

Me, deal with it bitch

Are you toxic Bianca?

WeLl yOu CaN fInD oUt

Okay come over then


Yes please

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now