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Beau pov (🚪🏃‍♂️)

"Do you want to come in for a bit?" Ale asks as he motions towards the door and I smile, putting my keys in my pocket before he takes my hand, leading me up the steps to the house.

"How did the date go?" Someone immediately yells and he gives me a look as I try not to smile.

"It went good, she's here so don't say anything dumb." Ale says as I follow behind him towards the living room.

"Bianca was here earlier." Gavi immediately says as we walk in the living room.

"She was?" I question, slightly confused.

"Yeah and then she left when Pedri was being an asshole." Pablo chimes in and Pedri glares at him.

"We were just talking about how we're playing United and then she started acting weird." Gavi says as I give him a look.

"Manchester United?" I question and he nods.

"You're doing the same thing she was doing." Pablo says.

"Yeah because there's a reason she doesn't like them." I say as I sit down next to Ale.

"Well, enlighten us." Ansu says as I give them all a look.

"Wait, let me guess," Pedri begins as he clears his throat, "She was dating a football player and then he realized he was way out of her league and then he broke up with her. Am I right?" He asks.

"God you really are an asshole." I mumble as he crosses his arms.

"What? Was I right?" He asks as Gavi leans over, smacking his arm.

"I wish it was something that simple." I say as Ale furrows his eyebrows.

"What is it?" Gavi asks.

"Her brother plays for United."

"She said she doesn't have siblings." Pablo frowns.

"Well he's kind of dead to her, and as wrong as it seems, she hates him." I say as Pedri scoffs.

"Yeah she is the type of person to hate her brother." He laughs at his own joke and I cross my arms staring at him.

Everyone else looks at him and he rolls his eyes, "let her keep explaining maybe." Ale says.

"He got offered a contract when he was 18, and since he was 18 he decided to go alone." I begin, "Bee was only 14 at the time and they were always really close because Thomas was her only sibling."

"The story doesn't seem that bad." Gavi mumbles as I shake my head.

"He stopped talking to them completely after his first year at United, because he claimed he didn't have time to talk to them, but it's his family so that didn't really make sense." I say as all of their faces immediately drop. "She hasn't talked to her brother since she was 15, and he won't reply to texts or calls from Bianca or their mom." I add.

"We're not like that though." Pablo says as I shrug, crossing my legs.

"If her own brother did that when he got a professional football contract, then in her mind anyone can do some shit like that." I say as I glance at Pedri and he's just staring at the ground.

"So he left Spain to go play for United?" Ale asks and I nod, "so he cut off his family completely for no one to even know who he is? I've never heard of Thomas Reyes." He adds.

"That's true. That name doesn't sound familiar." Ansu agrees.

"He won golden boy a few years back, after his first season with United." I say as they all give me a look.

Pablo goes on his phone, immediately typing something in before he quietly gasps, "we definitely all know who this is." Pablo says as everyone gives him a look.

"Let me see," Gavi mumbles as he leans over looking at his phone, "her brother is Rey?" He asks in shock.

"Yeah he doesn't go by his first name because when he was younger all of his friends just called him Rey." I shrug as Gavi just stares at me.

"Bianca is related to Rey? Like the Rey?" He says, emphasizing the word 'the'.

"Yeah, but he's dead to her so maybe don't bring it up." I say.

"Wait, okay, Rey is clearly good, but why doesn't he play for the Spain team?" Ansu asks.

"Their dad lives in England so he had citizenship in both countries technically, so he switched over to playing with England after he moved." I say, trying to explain it to the best of my ability.

Pedri shakes his head as he stands up, walking out of the living room and everyone else goes silent. "I bet he feels bad now." Pablo whispers as Gavi gets up, following behind him.

"Well, you all now know why she doesn't like footballers I guess, so that's cool." I say, there clearly being a shift in mood.

"And he's going to come to Barcelona again. So that's going to be even worse, isn't it?" Ale asks as I nod.

"Yep so I advise you to maybe not talk to her ever again to avoid anything she may say or do during that time." I smile as they all give me a look.

"Joking, right?" Pablo asks as I shrug.

"Last time he was in Barcelona she didn't leave the house except for class only. So, that's probably going to happen again." I say.

"She doesn't hate football players, she hates her brother." Ansu says as I raise my eyebrows slightly, "and since he plays football she thinks we're all the same."

"Bingo." I say as Gavi walks in the living room again.

"Well he'll be in a great mood tonight at training." He mumbles as he sits down next to Pablo, leaning his head back against the couch.

I look at my watch and see a text from Bianca and I read it quickly before standing up, "well it was great telling you Bianca's whole life story without her knowing, but now you at least know why she's so stubborn about you all."

"Do you have class?" Ale asks.

"I have to go talk to Bianca first and then I have class at 2." I say as he nods.

"I'll walk you out." He says as he gets off the couch and I smile as we walk towards the front door. "I'm glad we got breakfast today, it was really nice to get to know you better." He smiles as he opens the front door and then we walk down the steps to my car.

"We'll just have to go again sometime then." I shrug as he nods.

"I guess we have to." He says as I lean against the car door. "Let me know if you're going to the game tomorrow by the way, I'll make sure to play even better then normal." He jokes as I smile.

"Hmm, yeah?" I question as he nods before crossing his arms.

"Yeah, I promise." He whispers as he puts his hands in my hoodie pocket, pulling me towards him. "Can I kiss you?" He asks quietly and I nod, smiling.

He pulls me into a kiss and I smile as I hear the other guys, hitting the window and yelling from inside, and we both turn to look at the house where Pablo and Gavi are both giving a thumbs up.

"I'm so sorry about them." He says as I smile, shaking my head.

"It's okay." I say quietly as he looks back up at the house again.

"I'll text you, yeah?" He asks and I nod.

"Definitely." I say as he turns around, going up to the door and I watch him as he opens it, but he stops in the doorway.

"Drive safe." He calls out as I wave quick before getting in the car.

This definitely won't get messy with everything going on lately.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now