thirty four

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I walk out of my lab class and pull out my phone, quickly texting Pedri that I'm done for the day as I make my way through the parking lot, my eyes glued to my phone.

"Sounds good!" Pedri calls out as I turn around, seeing him leaning against his car as a smile grows on my lips.

"You stalking me?" I joke as I go over to him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"Figured I'd pick you up to spare you the walk, and I knew you walked since I swung by your apartment first and your car was still there." He says as I smile.

"Thanks bud." I say as he scoffs.

"Get in the car." He mumbles and I laugh as I put my backpack in the back, and then getting in. "Do you want to come to our house? Or do you want to go to your place?" He asks as I purse my lips.

"We can go to yours." I say as he nods.

"Beau isn't there, if that makes you feel better," he states as I look out the window, "but I do think you should talk to her." He adds.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I shake my head, "she doesn't support our relationship, Pedri. Then at that point it's not worth even trying to convince her you're changing."

"Honestly it's my fault." He says as I give him a look as he flips the blinker, "I mean if I wasn't an asshole to you for the first few weeks I knew you, then it wouldn't be a situation where she thinks I can't change, because I definitely started really bad."

"Oh I know you started off bad," I joke as he shrugs, "but like there's a certain extent she can go to when being protective, you know?" I question as he nods. "But now I feel like she's trying to dictate my relationship." I add.

"Yeah I don't know it's tough, but I feel like since she found out from the Pablo's it made it worse of a reaction because she probably thought you can't trust her." He suggests as I laugh.

"Did Alejandro tell you to tell me to talk to her again?" I question as he clicks his tongue.

"Maybe but that's not the point." He mumbles as I roll my eyes with a smile.

"I can read you." I say as he frowns, "and I knew it'd be him since you don't even like Beau, so you wouldn't try to push us making up."

"Because she made you sad, that's why I don't like her." He mutters as I smile, "good people like you don't deserve to be sad."

"That's cute, see that on like Pinterest or something?" I joke.

He shakes his head, "that one came from up here," he says as he taps his head, "but I did see one that made me think of you."

"Yeah and what's that?" I ask as he parks the car in the driveway.

He unbuckles and opens his door, "something about like finding your other half because your souls fit into each others." He shrugs as he gets out.

"Oh, thanks bud." I say as I get out and he rolls his eyes.

"I can already tell our relationship dynamic will be me trying to be nice or romantic, and then you making fun of me for it." He mumbles as I smile with a nod.

"Spot on." I say as I pat his back as we go inside.

"Bonk!" Gavi yells from the living room and I change my path, walking into the living room.

"Hey buddy." I say as Pablo and Gavi exchange a look as Pedri comes and stands next to me.

"Well this definitely isn't awkward." Pablo says under his breath.

"It's awkward because you made it awkward, dummy." I say as he shakes his head.

"Wrong." He counters as Pedri tries not to laugh and I give him a look.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now