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Gravy it's been a whole hour
What could you possibly want

Pabro said you're coming over

Pabro is out of his mind

Beau is on a date with Alejandro.
So just come over and you'll be
here when she gets back

I have class at 3

It's 11

Yeah that means I only have 4
hours to cram for my quiz

You seem smart, you don't
need to study

I am smart

There, you don't need to
study, so you can meet us

I did meet you

You met Pabro for a whole
minute probably, and then
you had an interaction with
Pedri, so no we didn't meet

Do you guys like doing that?

Doing what, Bonk

Meeting some girls at a club, find
their social media, contact them,
become friends and then invite
them over?

You called us friends!
I'm honored.

You just ignored the rest

First time actually

Wow Gravy, I'm honored.

You just don't really care
to talk to us which I think
makes it funnier to try to
be friends with you

We're talking right now

And you probably hate every
second of it, right?

You're figuring me out.
What do you guys even
want to do anyways?

Well you saw the house, I'm
sure you can find something
you're into while here

Okay you know what fine.
Because you and Pabro won't
get off my case about this, but
I will leave once Beau gets back

Sure sure, that works

sUrE sUrE

Have you thought of a new
nickname yet?

It's been an hour since we talked
last, I need more time

Weird because I came up with
yours in a whole 30 seconds

Funny guy👎

You meant👍

No I don't think so


I'm leaving in 10

That's bonkers

Pablo Gravy, you stop it

"Bonca, welcome to our humble abode." Pablo says as he opens the front door and I step inside, looking around.

"It's actually Bonk." Gavi corrects as he comes from down a hallway and I look from between them and I just shake my head.

"It's actually Bianca if we want to be technical." I mumble as they give each other a look before immediately shaking their heads no.

"No I don't think so." Pablo says as I frown.

"Do you want a tour?" Gavi asks as I nod slightly. They then begin showing me around the house and in total it took a whole 15 minutes for them to show me everything, but considering the size of the place it makes sense.

"It's a nice house." I say awkwardly as they both nod.

"We know." Gavi shrugs as I cross my arms.

"Humble guy, huh?" I question as he nods proudly.

"Good quality that I have." He shrugs as I look at Pablo and he shakes his head no, before Gavi looks at him and he stops, beginning to nod.

I begin looking at the decor they have around the living room and they both begin looking at their phones. "Ansu, the draw is out!" Gavi yells and immediately Ansu comes out of a room, going over to him and looking at his phone.

"Manchester United, really? As if losing to them last year wasn't enough." Ansu mumbles and I feel my heartbeat speed up.

"You look like you just saw a ghost." Pablo says as he looks up from his phone at me and I shake my head no.

"What's the draw for?" I question.

"Champions league group stage." Gavi replies as he's now scrolling on his phone.

"Not a fan of United?" Pablo jokes.

"Never watched them." I lie as Gavi gives me a look.

"Oh god, she's a United fan." Gavi whispers as I shake my head.

"Trust me, I'm far from it." I mumble, "so that means they'll come to Barcelona?"

"Yep." Ansu says as I look up the stairs and Pedri is now standing there with his arms crossed.

"When did you get back?" Pablo asks as he looks up at him.

"I canceled." He says simply as he comes downstairs, not taking his eyes off me.

"I swear you left." Gavi whispers, a little confused and Pedri goes over to Pablo looking down at his phone.

"Great, can't wait." Pedri scoffs as his eyes are still locked on Pablo's phone.

"Bonk is a United fan, fun fact." Gavi says as Pedri's eyes finally leave Pablo's phone and he gives me a look.

"I'm not a United fan." I mumble.

"Why not?" Pedri asks.

"Just not a fan." I say simply as he narrows his eyes at me.

"What, you got a history with one of the players or something? Is that why you hate all football players so much?" He questions as I immediately shake my head no.

"No." I whisper as he scoffs.

"Yeah because you clearly wouldn't be able to attract any football players as it is." He mumbles as Gavi and Pablo both immediately smack his arm and I knit my eyebrows together.

"What the hell?" Pablo whispers.

"Did I say something wrong?" Pedri asks as I shake my head no.

"Nope." I smile. "It was great though seeing the house, but I have to go to class." I say as I turn around, making my way to the front door.

"She doesn't have class until 3, way to go idiot." I hear Gavi say as I walk out the front door.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now