thirty five

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"Where did you just go?" I question as Pedri comes back outside and he shrugs as he sits on the edge of the hot tub, his legs in the water. "See, you not answering is making me think something I'm not too fond of thinking." I say as I go over to him.

"Yeah, what are you thinking?" He asks as he rests his elbows on his knees as he's leaning forward.

"I don't think you were gone long enough for that anyways." I whisper as he smiles slightly, looking at my lips and then back in my eyes. "You stop that."

"Stop what?" He asks as he does it again.

"Answer my question, where were you?" I ask as I move forward, resting my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm sending the Pablo's to pick up food from your favorite restaurant. Especially if you're stressed it'll bring some joy even if it's temporary." He smiles as I give him a kiss.

"Thank you." I whisper as he nods, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Of course." He says quietly as he gives me another kiss but once he pulls away I frown, running my thumb over his bottom lip. "What's that look for?"

"Just one more." I mumble as I give him another kiss and he smiles into it as I pull him forward and he lowers himself into the hot tub, before pulling me onto his lap.

"Everything about you is so," he begins as I wrap my arms around his neck, "fucking addictive."

"Is that so?" I question as he hums for a response, kissing my jaw, trailing down to my neck as I rake my fingers through his hair.

I lean my head back and as he lightly starts to suck on my neck I pull away, "you're no fun" he mumbles as he gives me another kiss.

"We're in the hot tub, anyone could pass the back door and see us." I say as I cup his face.

"That'll be a great sight for whoever passes by." He says as I kiss the tip of his nose before getting off his lap, then getting out of the hot tub. "That's also a great sight for whoever passes by." He whistles as he looks me up and down as I smile, flipping my middle finger up.

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself as he gets out, copying my actions. "Can I borrow some clothes?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah sure, since you're so cute about it." He says as I scrunch my nose before turning around, going inside.

"Can I also just rinse off quick? The hot tub makes me itchy." I ask as I begin walking backwards down the hallway so I'm facing him.

"That's called allergies, bud." He says in a snarky tone as I shrug, following him into his room.

"A sacrifice I'm willing to make." I smile as I go in the bathroom, starting the shower.

"What color?" Pedri calls out as I lean against the doorframe, my eyes locked on the opening of his closet, despite not being able to see him.

"Yellow." I say as he scoffs, coming out of the closet with a Barcelona hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, handing them to me.

"Do you have like a Barcelona sweatshirt in every color?" I ask as I look at it and he shrugs.

"That's for me to know." He says quietly as he turns around, going back in his closet as I try not to laugh, going in the bathroom.

I take about a 5 minute shower, mainly to rinse off all of the chlorine. Once I'm done I quickly change and I walk back out of the bathroom as Pedri is laying on the bed, his arms behind his head. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm cold." I say as I go over to him, opening my arms and falling onto him as he wraps his arms around me.

"Didn't you just take a hot shower?" He murmurs.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now