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"Go help Pedri with the food." Gavi says to me as I turn to look at Pedri, walking in the house as I shake my head.

"No I think he's got it." I say as Pablo shakes his head.

"He'll definitely need help with it." Pablo suggests.

"One of you can't do it? You live here." I say as they both begin laughing.

"That's a good one bonk, nice try." Gavi scoffs as I roll my eyes, getting off my chair before going inside.

"I don't need help with anything." Pedri immediately says as I go over to the island, looking at the jersey.

"You know I don't think Pablo told you everything that I want for my birthday." I say as he gives me a look.


"Can you sign the jersey?" I ask with a smile as he rolls his eyes, opening a drawer and pulling out a marker. He comes over, turning the jersey around as he signs the back of it and I watch him do it.

"Anything else you want for your birthday?" He mumbles as I hold my hand up to my mouth.

"Do you mind spraying it with some cologne? That'll really sell for big money I think." I say as a smile tugs at his lips but he fights it back as he passes me, going down the hallway to his room.

About a minute passes before he comes out with the bottle, and he moves his head slightly so I pick up the jersey, holding it in front of me as he sprays it a few times. "Anything else?" He asks as I set the jersey down.

"Hmm," I hum, "what about-" I begin before he cuts me off.

"I don't care to know what it is." He smiles as I roll my eyes, sitting down on the stool as I watch him.

"What if it was something you wanted too?" I question as he gives me a look.

"I don't want anything from you." He mumbles.

"Right, because I'm a dumb blonde." I smile as he shakes his head.

"I already apologized for it, let it go." He scoffs.

"I'll let it go when you find a way to make up for it." I say as he shakes his head, pulling out a cutting board as he begins cutting up fruit.

"Are you trying to make me think of something bad?" He scoffs as he puts the fruit in a bowl after cutting it.

"Earlier you were asking if you should show me how you can make me like you." I say as he snickers.

"Yeah I'm funny for that." He shrugs as I cross my arms, "but you know if you ever want to take me up on that offer, just use your words Bianca."

"Yeah let me join your roster you got going on." I say as he nods, pulling out his phone.

"Bianca Reyes." He says quietly to himself as he begins typing. "Okay you're on the calendar for the 16th, does that work?"

"No, but maybe the 17th." I suggest as he clicks his tongue, slightly tilting his head.

"We have a game on the 17th." He says as I stand up, going over to him, looking at his phone.

"The 15th? It's a Friday." I say as he looks at me briefly, before clicking the 15th.

"It's already booked." He frowns as I tap the counter top. "Why not right now at this point, I'm free."

"Nice try." I say as I pat his chest before walking over to the back door. "I have to leave soon anyways for an exam." I add as I look back at him as he begins cutting the fruit again.

"How soon?" He questions as I look at my watch.

"Like 10 minutes." I say as he laughs. "What?"

"Your clothes just got put in the dryer, you have like an hour until they're done." He says as his focus is on the fruit.

"Seriously?" I ask as he nods. "I don't have time to go home." I mumble as he looks at me.

"Do you want to borrow clothes?" He offers and I shake my head.

"I'll pass on that." I mutter as I walk outside.

"How is the food not done yet? I'm hungry." Pablo says as he goes over to the picnic table, sitting down.

"He's cutting the fruit right now, but I have to get ready to leave." I say as I grab my phone.

"Where are you going?" Gavi asks.

"I have an exam." I mumble.

"On a Saturday?" Ansu asks as I nod.

"Yeah unfortunately," I begin as I get the rest of my things, "my sociology class always has big exams on Saturdays, which are usually fine, but now I don't have clothes." I add as Gavi and Pablo exchange a look.

"I have an extra pair of shorts because I had a pair in my bag, but I don't have a top or anything." Beau says as I nod.

"I'm sure we would offer something, but we actually have no clothes here." Gavi says as him and Pablo try not to laugh.

I can see what they're doing.

"That's fine, It's a start." I say as we go inside upstairs to where her stuff is.

"You don't have anything in your car?" She asks as I shake my head.

"I just cleaned it so I took everything out." I mumble as she hands me them.

"I mean you could always wear wet clothes, your bikini is probably wet as it is." She says.

"No it's dry. It's been like half an hour since I was in the pool, but I didn't think about the fact that my clothes didn't get switched to the dryer." I say as she frowns. "Maybe I'll stop at the store."

She shakes her head, "you know you don't have time for that." She says as I nod.

"I know, I know." I mumble as I go downstairs, trying to find Pedri. I go down to his room and I knock on the door, before he opens it.

"Come to take me up on my offer?" He asks as I cross my arms.

"Yeah the offer of borrowing something to wear, not the other offer." I say as he clicks his tongue before walking towards his closet.

After about 30 seconds he comes out, handing me a sweatshirt. "That should be fine." He says as I quickly put it on and he takes a step back, looking at me before nodding. "Looks good too."

"Yeah you have to say that because this is your own collection with Springfield." I mumble as he shrugs.

"Well you pull it off." He says as I roll my eyes, turning around before he grabs my arm. "Where are your manners, Bianca?"

I turn around facing him as he lifts his hand up, pushing some hair behind my ear, "thank you." I whisper as I take a deep breath.

"Mhmm." He hums. "I expect it back tomorrow."

"Yeah we'll see." I smile as he takes a step back, going over to his dresser, grabbing his cologne before he sprays it on the sweatshirt I'm wearing.

"Gosh, now you smell like me, how weird." He says as I look at the time.

"Oh, look at the time." I mumble as I turn back around, walking out of the room. "Why are you always upstairs if your room is down here?" I question as my hand rests on the doorknob.

"Because pretty much every other room is upstairs, and I spend a lot of time in the movie room." He says as I nod slightly before closing the door.

"Bye bonk!" Gavi yells as I pass the back door and I wave quickly before I grab my keys, going outside to my car.

I go on my phone quickly, opening Instagram and I go in my follow requests, finally accepting Pedri's request.

I still don't like him, but this is a start.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now