forty nine

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"Bianca?" Pedri asks as he comes out the glass sliding doors of the Airbnb I found for us, rubbing his eyes.

"Hmm?" I hum as my eyes leave my book momentarily, before going right back to the page I was on.

"How long have I been asleep?" He questions as I look at my watch.

"Like 6 hours." I say as he sighs.

"You could've woken me up at like noon, that would've been fine." He says as he comes over to the pool, sitting on the edge.

"You're allowed to sleep, I've been reading anyways so it's not like my time was wasted waiting for you to wake up." I shrug as I lift up my sunglasses, looking at him.

"Did you ever sleep?" He asks.

"No." I say simply.

"You've been up since like 2am, how are you okay right now?" He questions as I lean my head back, looking up in the sky.

"I think being on a plane made me not want to sleep, like I've basically been outside since we got here." I say as I look at him again.

"I fell asleep next to you though." He counters.

"I tried to fall asleep for a little while, but it just wasn't happening so I gave up."

"Just reading the whole 6 hours?" He asks.

"Well I walked around a little bit, looking at restaurants and what not, trying to just get ideas for while we're here." I explain, "and then I got back here at I think noon, and then I've been back here for those 2 hours, in and out of the pool, while reading so kind of."

"I don't know why but you reading in a pool just summarizes you as a person." He says as I set the book down, pulling my knees to my chest.

"I'll take advantage of there being this ledge here, cause I can be sitting in the water but not worry about getting my upper body wet, especially when I'm holding a book that's the last thing I want to happen. Quite genius actually." I say as he smiles, looking at me, shaking his head slightly.

"Soggy book."

I laugh as I give him a look, "would be horrible."

"Does your mom like me?" He questions as I scoff.

"Well I'm sure the first impression was very lasting in her head, so you at least have some effect of her. Who knows if it's good though." I shrug as he frowns.

"Looking back at it now, not as funny as I thought it was." He mumbles as I nod.

"Not funny, just so hilarious." I fake gasp as he kicks water at me.

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm."

"If you don't appreciate sarcasm, you don't appreciate me." I say as I hold my hand up.

"I appreciate the sarcasm." He corrects as I smile, getting out of the pool. "You know we've been dating for almost 2 months."

"Longest relationship of your life. I'm so proud honestly." I shrug as I wrap a towel around my body.

"Yeah, how lucky for you." He says as he follows me back inside to our room.

"I'm just the luckiest girl in the world." I say as I go in my suitcase, grabbing out a change of clothes. "But no, I know and I'm happy about it, because I kind of like you incase you weren't aware of that."

He covers his chest as he nods, "Bianca Reyes, I am so flattered that you like me, and I definitely wouldn't have guessed it."

"Say it back." I frown as he smiles, coming over to me.

"I love you." He whispers as I give him a kiss.

"And I like zoned you, how awkward." I joke as I pull away from him, walking into the bathroom.

"Do you think if we met earlier things would've been any different?" He asks as he follows behind me, coming into the bathroom and sitting on the counter.

"If it was last year or something I wouldn't have been able to put up with your shit, I'll be real," I begin as I change out of my swimsuit into a skirt and tank top as he watches me, "but at the same time I think I would've liked the attention and I probably would've folded a little quicker."

"I think about how it'd be different sometimes. I like to believe we'd be dating, but at the same time I don't think we would be." He says as he puts his hands behind himself, leaning back.

"Well it's good it's not last year then, because currently we're dating and I like to think things are going well." I say as I zip up my skirt, getting closer to the mirror as I fix my hair.

"They are." He whispers as he watches me. "You know what made me realize I was in love with you?" He asks quietly as his eyes are still locked on me.

"What was it?" I question.

"The night you came over at midnight after your brother didn't show up," he begins as he takes a deep breath, "I feel like something flipped and suddenly the thought of something bad happening to you felt like the worst possible thing to happen. That's why I clearly couldn't keep it together when we played united again."

"You know how I knew?" I ask as I move, going over to him and standing in between his legs.

"How?" He whispers as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"In the best way possible I feel like you're obsessed with me because you memorized my schedule, you noticed when I wasn't wearing a particular ring, and you also noticed when I got a haircut when it wasn't very obvious." I say as I cup his face and he nods.

"I am, yeah." He mumbles as I give him a kiss, "but if you saw yourself the way I did, you'd be obsessed too. Simply put, everything about you is somehow my favorite thing."

"Yeah?" I question as he nods.

"Most definitely."

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now