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"Welcome back." Gavi says as Pedri walks in the kitchen, about an hour since he left.

"Yeah, thanks." He mumbles as he goes into the fridge, getting something to drink.

"Did you eat?" Pablo asks Pedri.

"Yeah I ate something." He says as he sits down at the table across from me and I look at Gavi as he raises his eyebrows slightly.

"What did you eat?" Gavi asks as Pedri pulls out his phone, beginning to text someone.

"Don't worry about it." He says simply as Pablo brings me a plate of lasagna that they made and I smile.

"Thank you Pablo." I say quietly as he nods, going and getting his plate before they come over to the table, sitting down.

"If you want any you can eat some." Gavi says as he looks at Pedri and he nods slightly.

"Okay, but I'm not hungry." He mumbles.

"Rude." Gavi frowns and I try not to laugh as I begin eating.

"So who were you just with?" Pablo asks as Pedri puts his phone down, before crossing his arms.

"Phoebe." He replies as I keep my attention on my food, trying to not show any reaction. Gavi scoffs and Pedri gives him a look, "what's your problem?" He adds as Gavi shrugs.

"I thought you had a 3 time rule with girls." Gavi says as I finally look at Pedri and he's already watching me, waiting for me to say anything.

"You have a whole rule?" I question.

"Usually after the third time they start catching feelings, I don't do that. But that's not my type of relationship with her." He says as Pablo gives me a look and I shake my head.

"You seem like the type to have that rule. It's shallow." I shrug as he tenses his jaw.

"Hmm, guess so." Pedri mumbles as Gavi clears his throat.

"So you two are getting along well, huh?" Gavi asks as Pedri begins tapping the table and I stare at the plate of food in front of me.

"No, but she's certainly squirmed her way into the friend group." Pedri says as I pick up my fork, trying to not laugh. "Almost like a parasite I guess." He smiles as he crosses his arms, looking at me.

"I've been called worse by better." I smile back as he rolls his eyes.

"That was a good one actually, bonk is genius." Gavi says as Pedri shakes his head.

"Or just a bitch." Pedri says as Pablo and Gavi immediately shake their heads no.

"I'm sorry, did you not just call me a fucking parasite?" I ask.

"Well it's true, is it not?"

"We invite her over because we like spending time with her, don't be an asshole for once." Gavi mumbles as Pedri pushes away from the table.

"Unbelievable." Pedri mutters as he walks away towards the living room and I cross my legs before setting my fork down.

They both give each other a look before Pablo clicks his tongue, "he's usually in a bad mood every time he comes home after being out with someone." Pablo says as I shrug.

"Maybe because the girl realizes he's actually a piece of shit." I suggest as Gavi shakes his head.

"Him and Phoebe are complicated. They are only attracted to each other and that's as far as their chemistry goes. And in their eyes that's enough." Gavi says.

"Yeah well her personality seemed fantastic, just like Pedri's, they should date at that point." I joke as I take a sip of my water.

"Yeah he's not into that." Pablo says as I furrow my eyebrows.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now