thirty seven

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"Is it weird to be back here?" Beau asks as we're standing in front of my dads house in Manchester.

"Yep." I say simply.

She looks at her watch, "so we have two hours until the match starts, so we have some time to be here." She says as I nod, walking up the path.

"Thomas isn't here at least so it's already a lot better." I mumble as I knock on the door.

After a few seconds the door swings open and my dad is standing there, "Bianca!" He exclaims as I give him a hug.

"Hi dad." I whisper as I wrap my arms around him briefly before I pull away.

"Hi Antonio." Beau says as she gives him a side hug.

"Barcelona fans, hmm?" He asks as he looks at the jerseys we're wearing, and I look at the United jersey he's wearing.

"United fan, hmm?" I joke as he shrugs.

"Always." He smiles as he lets us inside and he leads us to the living room as I begin looking at the new pictures hanging up on the walls.

New pictures with Thomas holding trophies. Dad has always been his biggest fan though, there's no denying that.

"You like that Pedri boy?" My dad asks, I'm assuming referring to me wearing his jersey and I nod before turning around.

"Yeah I actually wanted to tell you something," I begin as he nods his head, "I'm dating him."

"Really?" He asks as I nod and he shrugs slightly before he makes his way to the kitchen, "As long as you're happy."

We make our way to the kitchen and he slides us a pitcher of lemonade, "you're not mad?" I ask as I pour myself a cup and he chuckles.

"Mad I didn't know about it until now, but happy for you." He shrugs as he leans against the counter, "what about you Beau, have a boyfriend yet?"

"Yeah actually, I'm dating Alejandro Balde." She says as he clicks his tongue.

"Well I'll be darned." He chuckles.

My dad has always kind of been another father figure in Beau's life, so something about being here is weirdly nostalgic. I don't like this city, but it's oddly comforting.

"How's Thomas been?" I ask as he slightly frowns.

"He's been good. He keeps asking about you too, you know." He says as I bite the inside of my cheek.

"When he was in Barcelona we were supposed to get dinner, but he didn't show up." I whisper as he nods.

"I know, kid." He replies quietly.

"Do you know why he didn't? He must've told you." I say as he shakes his head.

"He came back almost immediately after the game, so he wasn't even in town for when it was planned. He had some type of sponsor shoot to do." He says as I scoff.

"Classic." I mumble.

"He felt bad about it though." He insists as I shake my head.

"He has an interesting way of showing it then, because it certainly didn't appear that way when he failed to inform me he wasn't in town anymore." I shrug.

"It's complicated." He says as I laugh.

"It always is with him, isn't it?"

"You know he's busy Bianca." He whispers as I raise my eyebrows.

"For 5 years yeah." I mutter.

"How has work been?" Beau asks my dad, attempting to change the topic as I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now