twenty eight

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"Bia." Pedri whispers as I roll over, stretching my arms as I yawn.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I mumble as I look at my watch, 7:07 am.

"Sorry, I meant meatball." He jokes as I smile, looking at him.

"Much better in my opinion." I say quietly as he rolls his eyes, a smile plastered on his face, "why did you wake me up? We've been asleep for only like 6 hours."

"Can I take the you somewhere?" He whispers as I groan, pulling the blankets back over myself.

"It's 7 in the morning, I'm tired." I whisper as he shakes his head, getting out of bed.

"Up." He says as he grabs my hands, pulling me up. "Do you have a swimsuit with you?" He adds as I give him a look.

"Yeah let me just pull it out of my ass." I say in a snarky tone as he pushes me back, and I fall on the bed.

"Not even like in your car?" He questions as I put my arms behind my head.

I think for a second as I lean up on my elbows, "I think I might in the back seat, do you want to go check?" I ask with a smile as he rolls his eyes, grabbing my keys off his desk as he leaves the room.

I close my eyes and after about a minute he comes back in the room, and I lean up on my elbows again as he tosses one at me. "There." He mumbles as I get up, going in the bathroom.

"Was this the only one in there?" I ask as I put it on, a crack in the door so I can still hear him.

"No there was another, why?" He questions as I tie the strings.

"This top is a bit small." I mumble as he comes in the bathroom, looking at the top.

"Looks great to me." He smiles as he plays with the material of the fabric and I swat his hands away.

"It'a not covering enough." I scoff as he crosses his arms, taking a step back and looking at me.

"It's covering too much in my opinion." He shrugs as I click my tongue, walking past him out of the bathroom. "Pick a color."

"Gray." I say as I put on my shorts and he goes in his closet, grabbing a zip up gray hoodie before handing it to me.

"Basic color." He scoffs as I put it on, zipping it up part way.

"The top you picked has a bunch of colors on it, they can't clash." I counter as he shakes his head with a smile.

"You're so dumb." He jokes as I tie my shorts strings.

"Smarter than you'll ever be." I remark as I blow him a kiss before walking out of his room and he scoffs as he follows behind me.

He grabs his keys as we go down to his car, and I get in as I lean my head back against the seat. "Here, I have an extra pair." He says as he hands me a pair of sunglasses and I put them on as I look at him with a smile. "Looks great."

I pull out my phone and look at myself as I whistle and he immediately begins laughing, "I'm hot." I say as I look at him again.

"Valid." He replies simply as I roll the window down, reaching my arm out.

"What time do you have training today?" I ask as he looks at his phone quickly while at a light.

"At 1, so we have all morning together." He says.

"Lucky me." I say as a joke and he frowns slightly as he reaches over, placing his hand on my thigh, rubbing slightly.

"Yeah, lucky you." He scoffs as I put my hand on top of his, squeezing lightly. After a few more minutes he pulls into a parking lot at a beach and I get out as I quickly tie my hair back.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now