thirty one

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"Oh my god, she said all of that?" Pablo asks after I explain what happened with Beau.

"Unfortunately." I say with a fake smile as Pedri comes and sits down next to me, all 4 of us at my apartment right now.

"I never liked her." Gavi shrugs as Pedri nods.

"Don't say that, she's nice, she was just in the wrong in this situation." I say as Gavi shakes his head.

"I'm sticking with never liking her, and you can't prove me wrong thinking I ever liked her. No proof." Gavi says as I purse my lips.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I mumble as I stretch my arms back and Pablo looks back and forth between Pedri and I.

"You know, it still feels weird seeing you two not yelling at each other." Pablo says as Pedri shrugs.

"Get used to it I guess." Pedri says as I look back and forth between all 3 of them as my phone begins ringing, a call from my mom.

"I'll be back." I mumble as I grab my phone, walking down the hall to my room as I swipe my thumb across the screen, answering the call. "Hi mom."

"You missed dinner yesterday," She says quietly as I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face as I take a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry, Beau and I got in a fight and then I was spending time with someone else and then we went to bed early." I explain as she begins laughing.

"That's okay, do you want to go get dinner tonight instead? You can bring your new friend if you want to." She suggests as I bite the inside of my cheek, looking at the door briefly.

"Yeah I can ask." I say quietly, "same place as last time?"

"Yes if that works with you." She says as I nod, fully aware that she can't see me right now.

"Yeah it does, what time?"

"How long until you can be ready?" She questions as I look at the clock.

"Give us 45 so he can go home and change if he needs to, since he lives 15 minutes away." I say as I can hear her clasp her hands together, now knowing she's on speaker phone.

"Sounds perfect, see you then."

"Bye mom." I say quietly before I hang up the call, tossing my phone on the bed as I walk out of my room down to the living room. "Pedri do you want to come to dinner with my mom and I?" I ask as Pablo and Gavi begin smacking his arm.

"It's the mom dinner." Gavi says, emphasizing 'the' as Pedri fake gasps.

"And that means what?" Pedri asks as Gavi rolls his eyes.

"Ale went with Beau to meet their moms, it's like getting approval at that point from them." Gavi insists as Pedri nods slightly.

"Yeah I can if you want me to." He says as I frown.

"You know what it's okay, forget I said anything." I say quietly as he shakes his head, "I have to get ready if you want to seek yourselves out." I add as I begin walking down the hallway, hearing their voices receding out of the house and I go in the closet, trying to find something to wear.

"What just happened?" Pedri asks as he comes in my room, standing in the doorway of the closet as he gives me a look.

"I can if you want me to?" I ask as he draws his eyebrows together.

"What's wrong with that?" He questions.

"Just say yes or no, it won't hurt my feelings. It actually feels worse if you say that because then it's my decision, clearly I want you to go if I invited you." I say as I throw my arms up and he rolls his eyes.

falling over love // pedri Where stories live. Discover now