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Loud cheering suddenly fills the stadium as something really good, I assume, happens on the court. I wouldn't know what. Because my eyes haven't glanced at the court since the game started. They've been glued to the bench where Paige runs around and cheers her teammates on from the side. It breaks my heart every game. She doesn't deserve it. However, she is just as pretty on the sidelines.

Her blond ponytail swings back and forth as she bounces around, cheering with a wide smile across her beautiful face. My dad tells me I don't have to go to all of their games because he knows basketball isn't my thing, but I still insist on going to every game because you know what is my thing? Tall, blond, blue eyed and slightly crippled basketball girls. My dad thinks I just go for him because I'm a good supportive daughter. That's what I told myself too a few years ago before I came to terms with the fact I'm a total lesbo for basketball girls.

I take a quick look at the score board and we're winning 50 to 42 and there are only 20 seconds left. Paige, along with everyone else on the bench are already rejoicing because they have won the game. My mom tugs on my arm, signaling for me to get ready to get up.

When the game ends, my dad sends a smile over to me and my mom in the stands and we wave him a good bye as we make our way out of the crowded bleachers. I run after my mom as she speeds out of the gym so we have a shot at beating traffic.

When we get home I head straight for the shower. Ballgames are exhausting. Must be even worse if you actually play. Or support your teammates enthusiastically from the bench.

Tomorrow I should study for a physiology test I have Monday, but that can come after a quick shopping trip with Daisy, my best friend. Even though they just had a game tonight, Dad is making the team have a Saturday practice tomorrow evening. Stopping by to maybe drop my dad off lunch crosses my mind, but it's an evening practice so he'll have already eaten lunch. Maybe he won't want to wait until after their practice for dinner? Probably not. What's he gonna do? Eat dinner instead of coaching?

I try and come up with excuses all the time to go see Dad during practice. I love to see Paige any chance I get. We never have any classes together or anything so the only times I get to see her are ballgames and the occasional practice. Not that she notices me anyway. And not that she should. My dad would freak. Plus, I don't even know if she's into girls. Like my instincts say she is and I couldn't picture her with a guy, but I've never heard of her confirming. Another thing is she is very religious. But not in a conservative or shove it down your throat kind of way. More of posting little bible verses on her instagram story every now and then, which I find very cute.

"This skirt is so you!" Daisy exclaims as she holds up a floral mini skirt. "Cute! How much?" I ask, reaching to look for the price tag. $35.99. "A bit much for a skirt." I tell Daisy, grabbing it from her and holding it in front of my legs. "And a bit short, ya think?" It was a rhetorical question.

"Yeah," Daisy looks from the skirt to me, "But it would look so cute on you."

"Quit tempting me." I tell her before hanging it back on the rack. Besides, it being late February, it wasn't that warm in Connecticut.

Just as we turned a corner to look at a variety of different tops, my phone starts buzzing. I pull it out of my back pocket and see its my dad. "Hello?" I answer as I pick up a pale pink turtle neck.

"Hey hon, I left one of my game plan binders at the house. Would you have time to bring it to the gym? Practice just started. No rush."

I feel my heart beat quicken. A pleased smile crosses my face as I say, "Of course. No problem."

"Alright, thank you so much sweetie. Bye."

"Bye." I say back before hanging up.

"What?" Daisy looks at me expectantly.

"I have to bring something of my dad's to the gym." I tell her with a sarcastic nonchalant shrug.

Daisy's face lights up to match mine and we share a quick squeal like the dorks we are.

"I think," Daisy starts, walking back over to where we were earlier, "we need to buy the skirt," she finishes, plucking it back off the rack. I take it from her dramatically. "I think you are right."

Paige's pov

Coach had us start out running laps around the gym right before throwing us into drills. I guess to remind us we still have work to do even though we won last night. We were all winded and yearning for a water break when one of the doors opened. I glance over real quick to see that it's Geno's daughter. I'm brought back to drills when I catch a swift chest pass. I pass it to Nika before wiping my forehead with the back of my arm. Out of the corner of my eye I see Geno's daughter watching me. I guess I just have that effect.

"Water break!" Geno calls and I'm grateful. I go to where my stuff is on the bench beside Azzi's. She joins me on the bench and grabs her water.

As i'm chugging, I watch as Geno's daughter gives him a binder and they talk a little bit. Y/n, I think her name is? She's wearing a cute outfit like every other time I've seen her. Today she's wearing a mini skirt that shows off her long smooth legs, stopping right below her butt. I can't help but stare.

"You checkin' out coach's daughter?" Azzi asks me teasingly, lightly shoving my shoulder.

"What? Nah. I ain't stupid." I say before looking back over at her and how her long glossy hair falls down her back in chocolate colored waves. I feel Azzi staring at me. I turn my head to look at her raised eyebrow. "What?" I ask defensively. "Whatever," Azzi gives up, looking away from me.

"I mean, yeah, she's nice to look at in the middle of a hot, sweaty, miserable practice." I admit to Azzi because I do tell her every thought that comes to my head.

"You're such a creep." Azzi giggles before taking another swig of water.

"Am not. Just admiring when something pretty comes into view." I defend myself.

"Geno would be so pissed if he heard you say that." Azzi laughs lightly.

When I look back over at them, she's already looking at me. I see her face flush and I give her a small smile. She smiles back before looking away quickly. She's so bashful. It's cute.

"Alright! Let's run drills!" Geno yells from the other side of the gym. She starts to leave just as we get up.

I jog onto the court with everyone else as we get ready for layup drill. I don't know why I feel like showing off, but I grab a ball and run to do a layup, jumping and passing the ball under my leg before tossing it through the hoop.

"Easy on the knee, Bueckers," coach reminds me from his desk beside the bleachers. I throw a glance over my shoulder to see if she was watching. She was.

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